The Glowing Beauty's

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Right after I finished my breakfast I went to see what Jin was doing. I see an sleeping Jin he looked peaceful than the last time. I was going to let him sleep more but I saw the time hopefully he doesn't get angry at me. I went up to him and shoved him............sigh...nothing happened I shoved him and he moved a little bit but this time I was staring to get annoyed this time but it also for fun. I went up as close to his ear as possible and then yelled " HEY JIN!? " this cause him to fall off the couch and hit the floor with an loud *thud* and once again I caused the attention my way.

"V........Are you serious right now?" Said Rap Monster walking up to me I walked backwards almost tripping in the process. Jin was helped off the floor.
"V we know you are a demon but can you not be an playful demon on Jin please?"
I looked at Jimin and rubbed his head messing up his hair. Jimin smiled and I smiled back. I looked back at Jin who was rubbing his head after the fall "I didn't expect him to land on his head.....dang" I whisper to myself as I opened the front door to an wet,humid,damp, and foggy plain a little to foggy for the others liking but I love it. I turn around to see if any of them were looking my way and they never make me go outside when it's foggy and I never knew why but I am just curious right about now.

I spread my wings stretching them before I took off flying as close to the grass as possible. I can't even see anything. That's an lie demons like me can see thru fog but other demons don't dose off while using this ability causing me to hit an tree which cause me to fall on my back.

"Jeez that hurt. Not as much as getting hit bye Rap Monster in his angry state." I looked up and see an bright brown tree with flowers that look like they never even opened in like close to 100-190 years.
"I never even seen this tree here before it looks alive but the flowers aren't blooming at all. The other trees flowers and leaves are out but why not you Mr. Tree?"
I know I can have the ability to talk to living plants but not animals which I hate but I don't have the ability to talk to trees. Maybe one of the others have the ability because their angles or can tell how old this tree is. I looked down to see flowers that are also closed maybe this tree can control the flowers around it? I thought to myself. I flew up to the top of the's much bigger than the other trees which is even more confusing. I made it to the top and I see the closed flowers and held one to look closer if it's dead or not. Once again more confusion it's alive and the color is either pink,red,velvet, or purple I well WE never seen these type of flowers here before or this tree.
"I have to tell the others before it disappears again or something like that. You stay mysterious tree with strange flowers........that glow?"
I said as the once closed flowers started to open up and started to glow. The flowers were purple and they are all facing me then in an blink of an eye an huge flash of purple blinds me and causing me to fly in the air the flash was so huge that it brightened up the whole area all the way to the house.

It's like the tree was protecting it self and it could since that I was an demon and attacked me. I landed so fast that I cause an crater in the ground leaving an trail of purple smoke behind me staying there for an while along with the grounds smoke. I open my eyes I see nothing but smoke I get up slowly and brushed myself off. The pain in my wings hurt so much like they had been cut off I turned my head around to see what causing my wings so much pain. Before I can what's causing my pain I see something purple coming my way before I can even move out of the way it hit me straight in the face. I was in so much pain I couldn't even feel the small purple lighting bolts moving all over my face and down my body I couldn't hear anything. As the world around went black I couldn't make out the figures that were running my way as I lied on the ground only feeling something wet coming down my head and coming out of my month I know it's not saliva.

Rap Monster POV

I was making sure that Jin was okay and after that I notice something were was V? I was about to look around when bright purple light came from outside then it flashed causing all of us to fall to the floor some of us hit the wall. The flash was so powerful that it cause the house to shake which cause the windows to shatter pieces flying all over the place some dust came in the house. Once all of it stopped I got up trying to be careful for any glass.
"Is everyone okay?! Is everyone here in this room still and not no where else?!"
I yelled looking around trying to find the door or step on someone.
"Yes we are all here. Some scratches here and there but I am pretty sure we're okay."
Suga said as he walked out of the dining room brushing off his hair. I was about to asked him something before
"And don't be mad at me I couldn't since anything dangerous neither did Jungkook so."
I nodded my head before opening the front door letting out all of the dust out.
"I am going outside to look for V. Make sure that Jin is alright."
I said as I left to look for this demon who refuses to listen about going outside when it's foggy. I then saw an line of purple going behind the house it looked like an bullet. I can tell that it hit something by the noise it made it sounded like an broken T.V. screen with the black and white stripes. I ran to see what it had hit and I see V in an crater and before I could get to him on time his eyes closed. V's clothes are torn up his wings look dislocated and blood was slowly pouring out of his head and mouth bruise are everywhere.
I ran towards him and pick him up carefully not to cause more injuries.
"GUYS GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW. V IS INJURED!!!!!" I yelled with shaking arms not in fear but in anger.
Has I start to hear footsteps coming from the house I swear I just saw an purple flower in the corner of my eye.

Jin Is In DangerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang