The beginning pt.2

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Jungkook POV

"I sometimes get annoyed with the weather here and the fires that suddenly comes out of nowhere but I guest it make since because there nothing to protect the grass or anything. They say that I should get use to it and stop being an baby all the time that happens but I just HATE fire. I am an angle and yes I have wings but I can only have them if I see the picture of Jimin with one bloody eye or the picture of V or Suga...... I personally don't know who is on that painting. I wear an plain white shirt and black shorts also I sometimes wear shoes or slippers, but I like going bare footed because the grass is soft here. Sometimes I can see of what is about to happen in the future and what had happen in the past and sometimes this ability I have make me see or since something dangerous is about to happen or just an life threatening diseases to the other members. I also have brown hair and brown eyes but when I get angry my left eye forms this thick black,green,with white dots and purple liquid. It mostly freaks out J hope."


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J-Hope POV

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J-Hope POV

"I am pretty much the sunshine member out of the others because I always have an way to make them smile or at least make them happy especially Suga nice to see him smile he doesn't smile as much as we do. The members say that I am the angle of hope because how I always give them that feeling and how amazing my happiness is to them. I am also wearing all blue clothing well V call them pajamas which I also agree with. But my wings are out of a one single pill and no I really don't fly as much like the others do plus I am afraid of heights. I also were blue open slippers all the time and there can be side effects if I eat one pill at night but I forget it like it never even happen. I have blue eyes and I have orange hair."


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Suga POV

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Suga POV

"Surprise I am some how an angle but.......sighs......... I really did and/or didn't want to be an angle cause I though being an demon would be more my style. In till I saw V as an demon and what they can have or be born with..... so my mind went to the angle side more than the demon side.... so I guess I mostly wanted the angle but I really don't look like one. Even though J-Hope said that I look like one I still don't look like an angle I am like an fallen angle to be honest. Anyway I have black hair and my eyes are sliver or grey I don't care. My clothes...... I wear an white shirt, an black hoodie or coat with some designs, I wear an necklace it's sliver and also I am wearing black boots. I still see myself as an demon type. I also wear two rings on my right hand colors are golden and I am wear black jeans. My wings can only come out if I see or smell fire or danger.

 My wings can only come out if I see or smell fire or danger

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Rap Monster POV

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Rap Monster POV

"I am an angle as well and the type of angle I am is self-hatred,breaking, murdering, and none trustful but I don't kill if it's an emergency. I am the leader of the group they do listen to well sometimes they do and sometimes they don't but I can tell they get on my nerves to make me happy because of my angle type. The angle type that Jimin is paranoia,mental, and lies. Jungkook angle type is  violence,telepathic, and reflecting other people pain. V demon type is Depression,insanity,revenge, and hatred. J-Hope angle type is happiness,hopefulness,gracefulness, and sunlight. Suga angle type is pain,anxiety,and loveless and all of them have wings but they all have to trigger them with something dangerous or something highly toxic or just highly pain like for example my wings only are trigger if I break anything made out of glass or I burn an piece of paper and then put it in my drink but it forms colors on my arm making me stronger then the other members. I have blonde hair and I wear an dull yellow shirt with grey-is jeans with black shoes. My eyes color is brown and crows are my spirit animal because crows always follow me or come to me when I you know crow.

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