Don't worry

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I rubbed my head after hiting J-hopes. I took notice that I was sweating and everyone was looking at me like something horrible just happened. I gathered my breath which was shaky "What.........Why are you guys...looking at me like that? Did something happen? Did I do something wrong before I went to sleep?"
I asked. They just looked confused like I am suppose to remember what had just happened a few minutes ago.
" Jin you don't remember anything of what just happened?"
Rap Monster asked as he put his hand on my head. Am I sick? I asked myself there are so many questions to asked so many will not be answered because I don't even know what had happened and I don't know why am getting an headache from sleeping did I hit his so hard that it cause this to come? I can barely think right know. I shocked my head to his answer he sighs and then looked at Jungkook who looked back at him.
"Do you or can you since anything coming off of him or anything circling him? If you do tell right now Jungkook." Rap Monster said as he sat up to give me some room. Jungkook answers
"No. For some reason I can't since anything in this house or even on him. I am trying my best to find it I can asked Suga for help maybe he can smell what happening to Jin." Jungkook answers as he looked at me to Rap Monster he nodded and looked at me again.
" Jin if you feel pain,have trouble breathing,feel weak, or even if there something wrong with your vision then tell us okay?" Rap Monster said "Y-yes" I replied.

The rest of the day was tensed and it made me uncomfortable to make it worst is that everytime I walk pass them or sit next to them I can feel the heat leaving their body's and Suga keeps looking at me like he's looking for something. It was early in the morning and I am always the first one to get up in the mornings to make breakfast. I walked downstairs and made my way slowly to the kitchen as my leg are shaking violently I feel so weak I grabbed the table for support it feels like everytime I move my legs this sharp pain goes thru them so quickly I have to stop and hold them until the pain goes away. I slowly walked over to the refrigerator for the bacon,eggs,and milk for the pancakes. I wasn't even near the refrigerator as the pain in my legs became even worse like somebody shot me in both of my legs and stab them afterwards. I don't think I can even cook or even walk it's starts to hurt when I stand now what I am supposed to do?

I decided to fight it. I decided to ignore the pain that stopping me from cooking. I know am human but humans can fight illnesses and sicknesses I'll try to fight what's is inside my body. I got up and walked to continue the breakfast. It been only 8 minutes ever since I walked down here and the other members are staring to wake up they always sit at the dinning room table my food always wake them up showing how good of an cook I am. It tooked about 4 minutes for the food to get done and I was walking to the table with the last plate of food and the pain came back like my legs had been ripped clean off I wanted to scream and cry to drop everything I had in my hand and hug them or rub them or do anything I would do anything to make the pain stop right now but the pain went to my legs down to my feet and that was the point were I almost slammed the plate of food on the table V looked at me since he more awake as always demons don't sleep that much. V gave me an strange look and continued to eat he slowly looked down at his plate. I was about to "walk" out to the living room and sit on the couch to calm the pain down on my legs but I was called
"Jin why aren't you eating you going to starve until lunch."
Said V he caused everyone attention to me. I sighed to myself what am I going to tell them? I can't tell them about my leg issue. I asked myself sighing. I turned my head and gave him an smile but deep inside am in so much pain but I decided to ignore it again
"Am just not hungry right now. Maybe later I'll eat okay. I am just a little tired from what happened yesterday."
I said trying to hold in the bullet pain that in both of my legs and feet it may start to get even worst than an bullet.

I finally made it to the couch it felt like it tooked an year. As soon as I sat on the couch I fell asleep within seconds. I feel like I used up every last bit of energy in my body and then I was not surrounded by darkness but with the same cherry blossom trees,pink flowers,yellow glowing butterfly's, and the same light....I know that light is not the sun. I tried to do the same thing I did the last time I was here but this time I can stand up and the same pink flower crown is still on my head but some are different colors but their all black and white. But last time their were no clouds or even an breeze the breeze feels so amazing and the petals that are hiting my face are so unbelievably soft like an cloud. The same glowing yellow butterfly's are flying around me when I am walking to the giant cherry blossom tree has I continue to walk I can that the pink flowers that are near the tree are blooming. I finally made it to the pink tree the glowing butterfly's flew in front of the tree the next thing I know................I am falling in a pit of purple glowing water and once I landed-. "HEY JIN!" Somebody yelled causing me to once again snap out of this.......dream?

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