"Don't get cocky Black. You can't just slack off again and expect good grades now." I huffed, continuing to walk towards History of Magic. Sirius followed me, seeing as we had class together.

"Of course I won't!" He sounded offended, and I gave him a look. "Ok, maybe I will. But that's what you're there for. You're meant to keep me in check!" He exclaimed as we walked into the classroom just as the period was about to start. We took our seats next to each other in the back of the room. Professor Binns started immediately reading from his large and old textbook. We were learning more about the Goblin Rebellions, but I had already independently studied this entire topic, so I began doing my arithmancy assignment which was due in about a week. Sirius tapped me and I gave him an annoyed look.

"You know, you and I make a pretty great team, don't we?" He whispered to me. I shushed him and continued doing my work. "We'd be an even greater team if you talked to me more often" he spoke again and I just ignored him. He huffed and laid his head down on the desk. I looked over at him and rolled my eyes. I leaned in closer to his ear so that I could whisper to him.

"You know, Aurors have to know their history of magic" I stated as quietly as I could. His head shot over to me and I offered him a small smile before returning to my work. I heard him sigh, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw him open his textbook and begin reading along with Binns. Maybe I am rubbing off on him a little bit...


Just as class was about to end, Professor Binns stood up, or uh... floated up. We all looked at him in surprise, seeing as he always just remains seated and looks bored.

"You will all work on an essay for this topic in groups, and it will be due tomorrow in class. Your partner will be the one you share your desk with. I want a minimum of twenty inches each. One essay has the topic in support of the rebellion, and the other shall be against it. That is all, class is dismissed" He waved us away, and sat down at his desk once again. I clenched my fingers around my book until my knuckles turned white, and I grit my teeth.

"So, partner. Which essay do you wanna write?" Sirius turned to me with a grin on his face. I shoved my face in my hands and groaned, dropping my book in my lap. I quickly stood up and grabbed my books.

"I hate to say this, I really do, but this sucks" I huffed to him as he also collected his things.

"Doesn't sound like you hate to say it" he shook his head at me. I rolled my eyes and headed for the door, hoping he got the memo not to follow me. Of course, it wasn't that simple. It never was.

"So, when should we work on this project? I'll make time for you any day of the week" he smooth-talked me, but I just picked up my pace down the hall. Normally I would have charms this period, but because I'm doing the project for McGonagall she moved charms to fourth period and took divination out of my schedule, so now I have an off third period to do work.

Sirius followed me all the way up to the library, and I knew I wasn't going to be allowed in if he just kept talking to me, and of course, he would cut class just to do that. I stopped outside the library and turned to him. He hadn't stopped talking to me the entire walk here, but I hadn't been listening to a word he said. When I finally faced him he stopped talking.

"Listen, I have to do work this period and I can't have you pestering me twenty-four-seven-" I was cut off by someone shoving into my shoulder, making me drop a few books I was holding. Sirius and I looked over to see Kurt smirking, that same evil look in his eye. Sirius glared at him.

"Why not watch where you're going, dick head" Sirius shouted at him as he left down the hall. Kurt responded by raising his middle finger towards us, not even looking back. I shook my head and leaned down to pick up my books. Sirius tried to help me, but I just wanted to get away from him. He picked up one book for me, and as he was handing it over he took a look at the cover. I snatched it out of his hand, but he had already read the title.

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