26-Black Family Tree

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I attempted to flatten my dress over my knees as I sat on the knight bus, still holding on to the bedpost as I was jostled around. I thought about taking the flu network straight to Sirius' house but decided against it. Even if I had his permission, which I do, I'd rather just knock on the door and meet his parents that way, rather than me stumbling out of the fireplace unannounced and covered in soot.

As I sat there holding on for dear life, I felt the nerves settle in the pit of my stomach. I fiddled with the button on my cape to keep myself calm. The cool London night air spilled into the bus through a nearby window, and that combined with my anxiousness sent a chill down my spine.

The bus came to a screeching and sudden halt, almost forcing me to fall off the bed I sat on.  We had finally arrived in his neighborhood, and so I got up, thanked the bus driver, and exited the bus. I watched it race off and disappear before I walked down the street until I found Grimmauld place. I walked up to number twelve, a dark grey-looking townhouse. The lights were on the inside, and I watched for a second as shadows moved around behind the drawn curtains. I opened the gate slowly and walked up the pathway, up the staircase, and lightly knocked on the looming door. I wish I had the other marauders by my side, or even any of my friends, to give me some confidence.

When the door opened and I saw who was behind it, most of my worries washed away as I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Sirius" I smiled at him. Having not seen him in a week, I wanted to just tackle him in a huge hug. He smiled, and as if reading my mind, he pulled me over and wrapped me in his embrace. For the past year, we've seen each other nearly every day. This past week was a big change.

"Estella" he sighed into my hair, making me smile even more as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Well, don't let me interrupt this wonderful moment" I heard someone snicker behind Sirius and I looked up to see his younger brother Regulus rolling his eyes at us and smirking. I tried moving away from Sirius to greet Regulus properly, but Sirius only hugged me tighter.

"Don't worry, we won't" He replied to his brother, and I tried not to laugh as he refused to let his grip around my waist loosen.

"Well... Don't let mum and dad see you hugging her like that. Don't want them getting the idea that -"

"Oh, sod off" Sirius groaned, finally letting go of me and glaring at Regulus. I smiled at their brotherly relationship. Even though Sirius always talks about how terrible Regulus is, I know he can't help but care about him. I walked into the house and Sirius closed the door behind me. He held his hand out, and I looked at him quizzically.

"Your cape, I'll take it and put it in the closet" He smiled, and I nodded in realization, unbuttoning my cape and handing it to him, revealing my dress underneath. Sirius' eyes lingered on my body for a second, but then he took my cape and opened the closet door. I turned to Regulus and held out my hand for him to shake, smiling kindly.

"I'm Estella. I don't believe we've ever properly met, which is surprising because we go to the same school" I shrugged and he took my hand in his, shaking it.

"Not really that surprising, since you're my brother's friend. He never likes me speaking to any of them" He shook his head, and I squinted my eyes at Sirius as he walked back over to us and I let go of Regulus's hand.

"What did I do?" Sirius questioned, looking at me with confusion.

"Oh, nothing. Just you being you is all" Regulus snickered and now Sirius squinted his eyes at him. "Well, I'll just be going to check on dinner and tell mum and dad that you've arrived" Regulus smiled at me and left the room. Sirius moved so that he was facing me and he looked me up and down.

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