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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters besides the ones I have created such as Estella, Sadie, etc. Any characters or plot taken from the Harry Potter series gets credited to J.K. Rowling.

"Get up, get up, get up!" A small voice chirped as something bounced up and down on my bed. "You won't believe what came in the mail Estella!"

I groaned and flipped over in my bed, sending my little sister onto the floor with a thud. I smiled a little, trying not to laugh as she whined.

"Please get up, Our Hogwarts letters came!" She exclaimed right in my ear after she had gotten herself up off the ground. At this, my eyes shot open and I gave her a serious look.

"T-they did?" I stuttered, suddenly finding it difficult to catch my breath as my heart rate sped up.

"Yea, c'mon I already opened mine and I want you to open yours. Grandma is in the kitchen with her camera to take pictures of us reading them for the first time" Sadie rolled her eyes.

"Alright, um... Tell grandma I'll be down in a minute, ok Sades?" I asked, using her nickname which was something I never do anymore. She beamed when she heard the name and nodded her head vigorously, the long brown hair framing her face bouncing around in all different directions. Her smile revealed her last missing tooth and a few others that have yet to grow in or already grew in crooked. She jumped off my bed and bounded out of my room in a sprint to tell my grandma what I had told her.

I laid back in my bed and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I was hoping the Hogwarts letters wouldn't come, or at least that mine wouldn't come, even though I knew that was a ridiculous fantasy. I of course had to go to school...

This is Sadie's first year going to wizarding school so for her to start at Hogwarts like our parents is perfectly fine. For me on the other hand, I'm starting to think that a sixth-year transfer from Beauxbatons is going to stick out a little more.

It took a while, but I finally peeled back my covers and pulled myself out of bed. I trudged to the bathroom, dragging my feet. I looked in the mirror and scrunched up my face when I saw my hair, all tangled and knotted. I grabbed a brush and pulled it through my long brown locks and put them up into a ponytail.

It took less than ten seconds to walk from my bedroom to the kitchen because we lived in a small one-floor little house. My bedroom was the room across the hall from the kitchen. Muggles call homes like these shotgun houses, because you can shoot a shotgun from one side and the bullet would reach the opposite. One hallway split the house in half. On the left side were the kitchen, living room, and bathroom. On the right side were our three bedrooms. My grandma was not happy with this arrangement, because only a few months ago we were all living in her big townhouse in France. Grandma stopped work for the wizarding world many years before even my parents were born and became a muggle seamstress since she can sew a whole dress in under ten minutes with magic. In France, it was a job that brought a decent amount of money, especially because she had many regular customers who wanted custom-fit clothing. Here, no one knows us. She got a house at a low price to save what little savings we had remaining, and she figured it would be enough to get by on until she started work.

I still don't understand why we moved back to England. Sadie and I have lived with our grandmother in France since the wizarding war started, about five years ago. After our parents passed away fighting the war my grandma thought it would be best to take us away for a little while, and I was grateful for this. My parents met in Hogwarts, they grew up there. I'm not sure that I, as an eleven-year-old little girl, could have handled all of those memories only a month after they passed away.

That's not the only reason I'm not looking forward to attending Hogwarts. Beauxbatons was an extremely elegant school, and although I didn't have many friends, I did hear the rumors and gossip about Hogwarts. I'd say the name is pretty self-explanatory, I mean, it has the word 'hog' in it.

I walked up to the small kitchen table where my grandma was entertaining Sadie with her changing hair color trick. My grandma is a metamorphmagus, and as far as they know neither Sadie nor I have inherited this ability. My grandma was displeased by this seeing as my mother didn't possess it either, but she's learned to forgive and forget. At least, she did with Sadie. She absolutely adored her.

She looked up at me and smiled, changing her hair back to the natural grey it usually is. She keeps it this way so that muggles don't question her. She handed me an envelope with a red wax seal, the Hogwarts emblem stamped onto it. I sighed and took it from her. As soon as the paper escaped her fingers she was up with the camera in her hands ready to snap a picture. I started to open the seal when she piped up.

"Estella, lift your head a bit so that I may see your eyes" she instructed, her French/British accent strong from all the years she's spent in the other country. I tilted my head up a bit more and she nodded. "Yes, there they are".

My eyes are what my family believes are my most special feature, seeing as the right one is bright turquoise and the other is auburn, almost looking as if it were made of gold. This happened when I was thirteen and my grandma was ecstatic, hoping that this was some sign that I had inherited her metamorphmagus abilities. Here I am though, three years later, with nothing different except my eyes. At home, they became sort of like my trademark, but in school, at Beauxbatons it was something that singled me out. I always just seemed to find myself on the wrong side of a conversation or even an argument and I would get shut out by everyone, so I learned what silence was. I learned how to bite my tongue.

I opened my letter and my grandma snapped a few pictures as I did. I read through it, then read through my supply list, and after the whole photoshoot we sat down for breakfast.

"Grandma, when can Stella and I go shopping for our books and things?" Sadie asked as she poured milk into a glass. I cringed at the old nickname, glaring at Sadie. Her eyes widened and she sunk into her chair a bit. I know I shouldn't be angry with her, seeing as it was probably just force of habit, but I hate being called that.

"Next weekend should be fine, seeing as that's a week before you'll be leaving" our grandma nodded and Sadie slumped even more in her chair. For an eleven-year-old, waiting a week is like waiting a lifetime.

"I'm so excited to go to Hogwarts. Just like mum and dad, right Estella?" Sadie looked up at me with her big blue eyes. I gave the best smile I could manage


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