38-Learning to Say Goodbye

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The next morning I was in pure bliss. I didn't even mind the ache in my core or the shakiness of my legs. I sat up in my bed and the first thing I did was smile at the thought of the night before. I wished I went up to Sirius' room with him, but the last time I snuck into his room without giving Lily a warning ahead of time she almost had a heart attack thinking I was kidnapped or something. I decided not to put her through that again, but it was almost impossible to leave him last night. I had never felt so loved. So free.

I sat up in bed, the grin never leaving my face as the sun shined through the window beside me. Today was also the final quidditch game where we would compete for the quidditch cup. Although, even if we lost it couldn't ruin my mood. Not that I planned to. We were against Ravenclaw, and while they had a great team this year, I just knew we would be able to beat them. We didn't come this far for nothing.

"Wow... someone seems to have woken up on the right side of the bed" Marlene grinned when she sat up in bed and looked over at me. I noticed Lily was already up and brushing her teeth in the bathroom while Alice took a shower. Marlene and I were the only two still in bed.

"Maybe" I shrugged, my cheeks turning pink.

"Does it maybe have anything to do with you staying out late last night with Sirius?" Marlene grinned knowingly. I blushed harder but didn't answer. Instead, I pulled my covers back and tried standing up, but my legs felt a bit like Jell-O. I grabbed the banister of the bed to steady myself, and Marlene's jaw dropped as she let out a laugh. Lily spit her toothpaste out and looked at us questioningly. "She can't even stand up!" Marlene cackled.

"Shut it" I grumbled, trying to shake my legs out a bit.

"What? Why can't she walk?" Lily came back into the room and looked at me curiously. Alice also turned the shower off and peeked her head out from behind the curtain to watch us curiously through the bathroom door.

"Oh my god... you didn't... did you?!" Marlene exclaimed, suddenly putting the pieces together.

"What the bloody hell is happening?" Lily shook her head. Marlene jumped out of bed and ran over to me, pushed my hair out of the way, and revealed multiple hickeys on my neck leading down my chest, the rest covered by my tank top.

"ESTELLA CULLEN, DID YOU LOSE YOUR VIRGINITY?!" She yelled, jumping up and down. I could feel my entire face flushing red, but I couldn't help but grin at the girls.

"You're kidding me!" Alice yelled, jumping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around herself so she could run out and join the conversation.

"Did you really?!" Lily exclaimed, also getting excited, toothbrush still in hand.

"Um... yes?" It came out more like a question, but I wasn't used to having so much attention on myself.

"OH MY MERLIN YOU HAVE TO TELL US EVERYTHING" Marlene screamed, and I clamped my hand over her mouth, laughing.

"Sorry, I don't kiss and tell" I joked, sitting back on my bed because my legs were sore. Good thing being a seeker in quidditch didn't involve too much leg work. I just had to stay on my broom.

"Bitch, you do now! Tell us what happened! I want every detail! Was it romantic? Where did you go? How big is his-" She rambled but I cut her off.

"Oh Merlin, Marlene, please" I cringed at the last question.

"Hey, these are necessary questions that need to be asked" She shook her head at me. "Were you uncomfortable? Was it awkward?" She asked.

"No... It was... perfect" I grinned, looking at the floor. The three girls joined together in a chorus of "aww"s. "He planned a date in the astronomy tower. Put candles out and got us snacks. It wasn't planned, but it just felt so perfect, and it was completely my decision. He didn't pressure me of course. He made sure I was comfortable the entire time... I'm really glad we waited like you suggested Lily" I sighed.

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