Chapter 23

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Heres another chapter my lovelies! I hope you like this one and SORRY IF ITS FAST PACE!!

And I'm also so so so so sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I've been really busy and didn't really come up with an idea tell recently. But I hope you like it :)



Everything was happening so fast. The threats were going to happen soon, I just know it. My mom is my whole world. Also, what the hell did Marc mean my 'I'll be getting revenge.'? I was getting really worried and stressed. The worrying made my stress level rise like crazy. I never wanted anything to happen to anyone I cared about.

After I got home from Michael's and I was told about the threat to my mom, I hid myself in my room not knowing what to do. I don't feel like eating or drinking or even moving away from this bed. This all felt like some fucked up dream, but of corse this is unfortunately my reality.

I hear the door creak open and Kellen's small figure stands in the doorway.

"Um, Rach. It's like 6 and Michael's here." She says

My eyes widen, "Shit!"

I just remembered that Michael was going to take me out on a date. Of corse I forgot and I can't bail on him since he's already here.

"Tell him that I'll be out in just a second!" I say jumping up from my bed and running to the closet.

I hear the door close signaling Kellen has left. To be honest, I meant to call him to cancel, but it didn't come to mind until just now. I can't cancel on him when he's standing just feet away from me. I should go anyways to hopefully get my mind off things. Michael has always unintentionally made my days better with just his smile and laugh. I change out of his clothes I borrowed from yesterday and changed into some clean jeans with a tank top. I decided to quickly layer my tank tops to give it more of a fancier effect. Then I quickly grab my shoes from beside my bed and slip them on.

I quickly brush out my natural curly brown mess I call my hair. As I brush it the curls start to turn more into calm waves of hair. I sighed looking at myself in the mirror. I eye myself up and down. I'll never understand why any guy really likes me, especially Michael. I shook off the thoughts and grab my phone that was laying on my nightstand.

I quickly make myself to the door for my bedroom and head out. I put my phone in my back pocket as I was walking down the hallway making my way into the living room. As I make it to the living room I notice Michael and Sarah talking while Kellen was no where in sight.

I stayed there quite trying not to disturb Michael and Sarah's conversation. As I stood there alone I watched as Michael spoke. He smiled as he spoke to her. That smile always had the effect of making me smile. After a few words he looked in my direction and his smile grew wider. His smile was so contagious. I had to smile wide at him too.

Then Sarah realized he lost interest in the conversation and turned to face what he was looking at.

"Well it took you long enough," Sarah says

"Oh hush" I say with sass

I walk over to them and I notice Michael doesn't keep his eyes off me. I couldn't help but bite on my lip a bit. I was starting to feel really nervous. I'm about to go on a date with the boy I met in the music shop and thought I'd never have a chance with.

"Well are you ready Rach?" Michael asks

"Yeah Mikey," I say as my voice goes a bit high.

That sound was so embarrassing I felt my cheeks get real worm. Then I hear Michael's giggle and lightly giggle myself. A couple seconds later I felt Michael's lips brush against my cheek as he kisses my cheek. I could feel my face get really warm now.

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