Chapter 9

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So here's another chapter. Sorry if the ending seems bitchy. But I hope you enjoy it.

Drama is going to start.

Love you guys!



Comment and vote!!!

Sorry if it's kinda short....


The rest of the evening went by really quick. I had just finished taking my shower. I sat on the edge of my bed, then got my pjs on. Once I was dressed, I picked up my phone and laid on my bed.

My thoughts were everywhere. They ranged from Michael to my real dad. To be honest, I was kinda worried about my dad. I'm just so afraid he will hurt me or even my mom. I'm still wondering how he found me and why he texted me.

I placed my phone back on my nightstand and quickly fell asleep.


I wake up and realize, I'm working today. I start my normal working routine.

I made my way to the music store. I made it to the store later than normal. It's about 10:30am and I'm usually here around 8am. Shortly I hear the doors open. I turn to see Kellen and Sarah walk in with Starbucks in their hands. I smile at them.

"We noticed you were running later than normal and figured you weren't able to stop by Starbucks on your way like you normall do, so we brought you your favorite!" Sarah says walking my way.

"Thanks girls!" I say grabbing the cup from Sarah's hand.

"Does Martina work today?" Kellen asks.

"I'm not sure." I say

I can't keep my mind focused, my heart sinks quickly when I'm reminded of my real father. I've never loved him. No one has. Not even the people who gave birth to him.

I need to talk to my mom, but when am I able to? She's always busy. I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial her number. I wait for an answer.

"Hello sweetie." Mom says as she picks up the phone.

"Mom, we need to talk. It's about dad."

"What the hell is he doing now?"

"He texted me saying he's coming to get me."

My mom went silent. There was no response.


"He's not coming anywhere near you. He can get arrested for just being in the same room as you. Why the hell is he trying?" Moms voice was full of anger.

We do have a restraining order against him. He's not aloud near any of us.

"Rach, don't worry about him. I promise everything will be alright. He wouldn't dare hurt another family's child. I hope."

"Are you saying I should stay with the girls?"

"Yes, I will make sure you are never alone."

"Alright, you want to talk to Kellen?"


I walk over to Kellen.

"Mom wants to talk to you"

She nods and hands me the phone. She walks off nodding and saying yes a lot. I look out to see an empty parking lot. Maybe we won't be too busy and get off work early.

I got really board and walked over the keyboards. I turn one on and start playing some cords. Then a song came to mind. I think I remember most of it.

Music Shop Lovers (Michael Clifford/5SOS Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें