Chapter 15

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Sorry if this chapter seems very fast pace and is short.




***Kellen's POV*** (still..)

We were driving around and I wasn't sure where we were going. We haven't really said much this whole car ride. It kinda made me feel like I did something wrong.

"Kellen? Everything alright?" He asks taking his eyes off the road for a second and looking at me.

I watch as he quickly turns his attention abck to the road. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Kellen! Smile! You're really pretty when you smile."

Did he really just say that? I felt my cheaks get real warm. I bet my face was redder than a damn strawberry. No one has ever said that to me before or anything that sweet to me.

I tried to make my hair cover my face so he didn't see me blush. Then I heard him do a light laugh. I couldn't help but keep a smile for the whole car ride.

Then we ended up at a beach. "Our first stop for tonight is one of my favorite places. The beach!" He says getting out of the car.

The sun was starting to set when we walked over towards the water. I couldn't help but smile at the sunset. It was beyond beautiful. The way the sun reflected off the water. I've never seen anything like this.

My thoughts were disturbed by Ashton's voice. "Well, you ready to take a walk along the beach?"

I smiled and we walked along the beach holding small talk. One question he asked me, made me quiver.

"Why'd you do it Kellen?"

I was hoping this wouldn't come up.

"I-I don't know." I mumble

"There's got to be a reason! I want to know so I can't help you!" He says grabbing my shoulders and making me face him.

He wants to help a me? I helpless human being? There's plenty of other girls out there he could be helping right now. Why me?

I took a deep breath. He's going to pester me about it tell I tell him, I just know it. We sit on the beach and I tell him everything. He hugs me tight. Why is he being so nice to me?

"Listen Kellen. Cutting isn't the answer, it never is. If you ever need to talk, I will gladly listen." He says holding on to my hand.m

I'm kinda glad it's not sunny out, or he would've seen the few tears fall from my face as I told him everything.

"Let's go and head for dinner." He says standing up and offering me his hand.

I gladly take it and he lifts me up. We walked over to the car. After we got in and put our seat belts on, he speaks. "Where would you like to go?"

"I'm not sure what's really around here." I say shyly.

"Ok, then what do you feel like eating?"

I take a minute and think. "I'm not sure. Surprise me." I say with a smile.

I could barley see him because if the sun setting, but I heard him do a light laugh. We drove off somewhere and I defiantly didn't know where to go. Then we pull into a parking lot to some restaurant. I'm not sure of what the place is called.

We got out of the car and headed inside. "Table for two." He said to the waitress.

The waitress took us too our table and we sat down. He looked over at me with that smile that makes me smile. God I must seem like am idiot.

Music Shop Lovers (Michael Clifford/5SOS Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz