Chapter 3

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OMG I had an ideaaaaaaaa :)

So I decided to write moreeeeeeee :)


Sorry for any mistakesssssss :)


Chilling at work with nothing to do. I sit myself on the front counter and stair blankly at the wall of instruments.

"Rach! Hi!" I heard the voice of an Australian accent.

I turn myself around and face Michael once again. So it looks like I will see him again. I couldn't help but smile at that face that brightens up the room.

Oh how I want to get to know him.

"Hi Michael! What's up?" I ask

He runs up to me and hugs me. What the hell is going on? I ask myself.

His head was buried in the side of my neck and I felt light kisses. Is this turning me on? What's going on.

"Rachael. I love you!" He mumbles into my skin.

"Michael. I-I-"


"RACHAEL wake the fuck up! Dinner is ready!!" I hear the voice of a pissed off Sarah

I opened my eyes and realize I'm on the comfy couch. I look to the clock and notice it is about 6:30PM.

That dream. I hope of doesn't mean anything.

"Rachael! Hurry up and get to the fucking table!" She yells

I groan in frustration. I run my hands through my thick brown hair and rub my eyes. This is why I can't take naps. People wake me up when I'm enjoying my sleep.

"I'm coming!" I say lazily getting my ass off this couch.

I walk over to the dining room table and then feel my phone buzz in my pocket. Michael Clifford tweeted!

"@Michael5SOS: really enjoying this new acoustic"

Can I be that stupid?!

"Did you know we met 5 Seconds of Summer?!" I questioned/yelled

"We didn't." Kellen responds

"I'm surprised that the pink hair didn't tip us off!" I said aloud

"Huh?" Sarah says

I show them Michael's tweet and their jaw drops.

"That's the one you sold him," Sarah says

"Actually you sold it to him."

"Oh yeah."

Well that dream meant nothing. He's a musician in a band. I know now that I defiantly will never see him again.

He's just a celeb crush like all the other hormonal teenage girls have. Well he's going to be easy to get over. He was basically a day crush. So whatever.

"Wow, I forgot they lived in Sydney." Sarah says

"Me too and I forgot we lived in Sydney now." Kellen adds.

We all just laugh.

"It's not like we're going to see them again," I say

"You'll never know." Sarah says poking her fork into some chicken

"I'm pretty sure." I say and take of sip of my iced tea.

"Stop being so down!" Kellen says

"I'm not down!"

Music Shop Lovers (Michael Clifford/5SOS Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu