Chapter 8

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So here's another chapter. Longer than normal. So I had help from @km_409.


Please comment vote and fannnnn :)


~~~Michaels POV~~~

I watch Kellen walk over to Rachael's side and shake her awake. We get no response.

"Rach, wake up," Kellen repeated over and over while shaking her gently.

Rachael stirs a little in her sleep while mumbling something incoherent. What's going on with her? I'm dying to know.

After a little while of trying to wake her up, she finally does, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Rach? Is everything alright? Wait no, you're not alright. You were crying." Sarah says very fast with worry thick in her voice.

"Tell us what's going on." Kellen demands.

I couldn't help but feel like I was intruding. So I left the room. I wanted to know what or even who made her cry, but I barely know her.

I walk back out and sit next to an energetic Ashton. I'm not sure what got this kid all hyper.

"Is everything alright with Rachael?" Martina asks looking my way.

"Not sure." I respond looking down at the ground.

"Oh." She says quietly, leaning back into the couch.

I sit there ignoring the conversations around me. My mind was focussed on one thing: Rachael. I didn't want to medal in her personal life cause I don't know her that well...

~~~Rachael's POV~~~

"Tell us what's going on." Kellen demands right as I wake up.

I look around and notice Kellen and Sarah sitting on the edge of my bed. I notice Michael standing in the background, but then walks out of the room.

"Why were you crying?" Sarah asks

I sat there in silence, not sure what to say to them or even how to tell them. This was already hard enough for me. The thoughts of that text came back.

My heart sank once more. Tears threatening to fall down my already tear-stained cheeks.

"Rachael, we're here to help you." Kellen says wrapping her arms around my neck allowing me to silently cry into her shoulder. Sarah soon joins in this group hug. I felt someone rub calming circles on my back.

After I finally stop crying, I lift my head up from Kellen's neck, gaining enough strength to tell them. They are my best friends after all, so I think it would be right to tell them.

They look at me with caring, worried eyes.

"H-He's coming back." Was all I managed to say.

"Who's coming back?" They both say at the same time.

I take a deep breath before continue. "Marc, he wants to take me back."

"He can't just take you!" Sarah yells abit.

"I have to agree with Sarah! Even if he is your real father. Is he even aloud to see you?" Kellen asks with a much calmer voice.

"T-That's the thing, he's not aloud to see me. H-He wants to take me just to make my mother mad."

"Why would he do that? He should just move on!" Sarah says with anger.

"H-He hates what she 'did' to him."

"What did she 'do'?" Kellen asked.

"To be honest, nothing. He made her leave him because of his actions."

"So basically he wants revenge?" Kellen questions.

"I guess, but I'm not sure why he wants to do this."

"How do you even know he is coming back?" Sarah asks.

"Because I got a text from him. I don't even know how he found my number. Again."

"Why the hell would he text you that he's coming to get you?" Kellen asks.

"That's what's confusing me."

"We've gotta tell your mom." Sarah says.

"Yeah, but when? She's doesn't get off tell late, and doesn't have her phone on her at work."

"Then as soon as she gets off work and we will tell her together." Sarah says hugging me.

"Ok, well right now we have an apartment full of people wondering what's going on." Kellen says standing up.

"Don't tell anyone." I beg them.

"We won't. Let's just get back before we get questioned," Sarah says.

I wipe away the remaining tears and try to get rid of the tear stained cheeks, but that doesn't happen. I stand up and walk out with Kellen and Sarah by my side.

"Everything ok?" Luke asks as we walk back into the room.

"Yeah, everything is ok, she just fell asleep." Kellen says trying to cover up the truth, but she wasn't fully lying.

I glance over to see Michael with worried eyes. I forgot, he was in the room for a minute. Shit! What am I going to tell him? I bet he's worried, just by the look on his face.

I brush his look aside and sit on the floor.

"So let's continue playing games?" Sarah questions. The room is soon filled with agreements.

"Let's have Rachael verses Michael," Kellen says throwing us two the controllers.

I couldn't help but look his way and smirk. He smirks competitively back at me. He doesn't seemed to worried all of a sudden, but at least I'm not too worried about him now.

We started the "tournament" and so far I've gone against everyone without loosing. Then I made it back to Michael. This got my mind off the whole dad thing for awhile.

I said for awhile........


I hope you enjoyed it! Just remember, comment vote and fannnnn :)

I will try to update once more b4 school starts back up on Monday!

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