Chapter 12

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*Previously On Music Shop Lovers*

One figure caught my eye. He turned to face the building. Those eyes that haunted me. That grin that was cut into my mind.

All of a sudden I couldn't feel my legs. I collapsed on the floor. I felt someone come over to me. Michaels sent made me feel safe. His arms wrapped around me.

"Rachael? Are you alright?" He asked me.

Shortly Sarah and Kellen ran over to us and asked the same thing.

I can't believe he's here. In front of the store.

"My father is outside this building."

All I heard was Kellen and Sarah gasp. Well there goes my good day. All I could do was bury my face into Michael's chest. A place where I felt safe.


I didn't know what to do. The thought of him anywhere near me scared me. I wasn't sure of what to do. I just kept myself buried in Michael's chest.

How am I going to get out of here without him seeing me? Then I hear the bell ring of the front doors. I look over to see Sarah and Kellen both tense.

"Execuse me? Can I help you with anything?" Sarah asks

"Where is the nearest gas station?" That voice asked.

The voice that used to send me into tears. The voice that hurt us all. His voice will always haunt me.

I tightened my grip on Michael and he was holding me as close as possible. We stayed behind the counter.

"You go out and make a left at the light. You won't miss it." Sarah says

"Thank you."


Then I hear the sound of the bell again. Signaling he's left.

"Rachael, I want you to go home." Kellen says looking at me dead in the eye.

"One person can't take care of the shop." I respond.

"And someone has to go with you." Sarah slowly speaks.

"I'll make sure she gets home." The voice came from Michael.

"Would you?" Kellen asks

"Yeah, it's fine with me."

"Thank you so much Michael." Kellen says as Michael and I start to stand up.

"No problem." He says grabing his strings he bought.

I couldn't help but feel worried, scared, and hurt. The thoughts of what he did came floating back into my mind. I don't wanna remember them at all. I wish those memories would just vanish into thin air.

I haven't said a word. I was afarid that if I said something I might start to cry. Just the thought of him in Sydney made me wanna just go die somewhere.

We made it out the front door hoping he was already gone. I'm glad he didn't reconize Kellen or Sarah.

Michael and I had a silent walk back to my place. It was a good silence. His company was just enough to make me feel safe.

Music Shop Lovers (Michael Clifford/5SOS Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon