Miss You ~ America x Reader Part 5

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~Reader's p.o.v.~

             'I remembered. I remembered our first kiss. That's why he wanted to meet me here? I don't understand...' I was snapped out of my thoughts by a rather large hand being waved in my face. "Yo! Dudette?! You in there?!" "I'm fine Alfred. Now, why did you want us to come here?" "I told you. We had our first date here." "I know but it just doesn't make any sense! If there's some reason, I'm completely oblivious to it." He sighed. "(Your name), I wanted to talk to you here in hopes that you would listen to what I had to say and believe me." 'Oh wow. How could I not recognize that? Maybe it's because i'm sitting like a normal person...' 

             I sat in the position L. Lawliet sits in, a crouched position which is very hard to balance. "Uhh... (Your name)? What are you doing?" I put on a blank face and said, "Well, if I sit, my reasoning skills, as well as my deductive skills, drop by 40%, which concludes why I wasn't able to deduct the reason as to why we met here. When I crouch in this position, I am able to think clearly and be able to keep out distractions." I nibbled my thumb. "You're starting to freak me out..." "Oh fine. Have it your way!" 

             I resumed to sitting normally. "Now, if you would please start the conversation. Otherwise, i will be leaving." "No! Don't leave! Look, that girl you saw at my place-" "Oh you mean the random girl who you were sucking faces with? Yeah. I remember her." He glared at me. "Please. Go on." "Well, I wasn't cheating on you with her. I didn't make the first move." "So? You still sucked-" "(Your name) that's not the point!" "You did" I mumbled. He glared at me again and I glared right back at him. He sighed. "You are so stubborn." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Oh you shouldn't have!" I smirked and put my hand over my heart. "This is what really happened..."

~Le Flashback~

             I sat on my couch waiting for (Your name). I had a few blankets layed out on the couch and i was making popcorn. I couldn't wait for our movie night! I soon heard a knock on the door. I jumped up excitedly, hoping it was (Your name). I ran over to the door and opened it. There was some girl with a REALLY short skirt on. I asked, "Umm... Is there something i can do for you?" "Yes. Yes there is. I work at the cafe you always go to and uh... I thought you were cute so i kind of followed you home one time. I think you're really hot." 

             The next thing I know I have this girl kissing me. I tried to push her off but she had a strong grip on me. She forced me over to the couch. That's when I heard a soft noise come from the door. I looked up and saw (Your name) standing there with her eyes filling up with tears. I finally pushed the girl off of me and ran towards her. She ran out of the house and I kept calling for her to come back. I finally gave up and walked back home. That girl was still sitting on my couch. "Get out." I glared at her. "Oh c'mon! Forget about her." "GET OUT!" I raised my voice that time. The girl finally left and I closed my door. I sunk to the floor and let my head fall into my hands. I hurt her. I hurt (Your name).

~End Flashback~

WHOOP!!!! Part 5 -fist pump- So Yeah. It's a little short but at least we got Alfred's side of the story right? OK. Now for a couple of shout outs since I feel like that. My Best Bud Quarter-Queen has two, awesomely epic stories. One is called Treasure which is an England x Reader for all you Iggy fans out there! The second one is called Behind The Piano which is an Austria x Reader for all you Austria lovers out there! One more shout out to my friend JenniferPureheart who has part of her lemon fiction up. It is called Japan Decides To Become a Stripper. Weird title but epic plot. So, when you have a chance, go check those Prussia-worthy stories out! And thanks for reading my story! Baii Baii, Da? ^J^

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