Miss You ~ America x Reader Part 4

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~Reader's p.o.v.~

             'It has been a few weeks since I last saw Alfred. I hope he's OK... I obviously still care about him. I still have his number... If we can't be anything more than friends, at least we can still talk to each other.' I reached for my phone but it lit up and started playing America The Beautiful. I knew THAT ring tone to well. I picked it up and answered. 

             "Hello?" "Hey (Your name)." "Alfred, I think we need to talk." "Yeah. That's why I called. I'd rather do it in person though. I don't think it would be right to do it over the phone." "Yeah. Lets meet up somewhere." "How about McDonald's?! Please! Please! PLEASE!" "OK Alfred calm down! We can meet at McDonald's." "Alright! See you later (Your name)!" I hung up the phone and giggled. He was always so excited when he got to go to McDonald's. I changed into a t-shirt and jeans, grabbed my phone, and walked out of the apartment. I walked to my car and drove to McDonald's.

~Time skip Brought To You by Flying Mint Bunny!~

~Alfred's p.o.v.~

             I walked inside and sat down in a booth. I played with my thumbs and tapped my feet on the ground out of anxiety. 'Would she really come? I hope so.' I heard the door open and quickly looked up. There she was. (Your name), standing there. She looked so beautiful. She met my gaze and I found interest in my feet. I knew my cheeks were probably a shade of pink by now.

~Reader's p.o.v.~

             I walked into the small restaurant and looked around for Alfred. I soon found him. He was staring at me. I looked away as I felt the blood rush up to my face leaving it a shade of red. I slowly walked over to the booth and sat down. He looked up at me and smiled. "I thought you wouldn't come." "Alfred, I always come when I need to see someone." "So, I think you know why I told you to meet me here." "Other than your love for hamburgers... no. I don't." "This is where we had our first date (Your name)."


             You walked into the restaurant, hand in hand with your friend Alfred. You went up to the front counter and ordered your food. The food was finally ready and you took your tray over to an empty booth. Alfred sat in front of you and started eating his hamburgers one by one. "How can you eat all that food and still look the way you do?" "Because I'm the hero babe!" He gave you one of his goofy grins. You giggle and begin to eat your food. 

             You two had been friends for a while. He had asked you out on a date and gave you his puppy dog eyes. You couldn't refuse with that face. He stopped eating so that he could look at you. "(Your name), I'm really glad you said you would come with me." "Anything for you Alfred." You smile at him. "I love your smile (Your name)." You feel your cheeks heat up. You look away so he wouldn't  notice your blush. You felt him raise your head back up. Your (eye color) eyes met with baby blue eyes. "You're cute when you blush too." He chuckled when your face grew an even darker shade of red, putting Antonio's tomatoes to shame. He let go of your chin and you both finished your meals.

             He drove you home and came around the other side to open the door for you. You got out and looked up at him. "I had fun Alfred. Thanks." You smile at him and walk towards your door, only to have your wrist grabbed by the boy. "Me too (Your name)." You felt soft lips upon your own. You smiled into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck. He put his hands on your waist and pulled you closer to him. You broke apart when the need for air became unbearable. You rest your head on his chest. "I love you Alfred." "I love you too (Your name)." You waved goodbye to your new boyfriend Alfred F. Jones.

~End Flashback~

 YAY! Part 4 is FINALLY here! I think this is my longest one too... I dunno.. I'll have to check that. ANYWHOO, I hope you like it :3 Oh and before i forget, A certain someone requested that i put a hash tag in the authors note so here i go! #ANYWHOO! How did i do? BAII BAII ^J^ Da!

Miss You ~ America x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang