Hearing retreating footsteps, I assume my lie worked. I slip out the back door and just like James said, there's a car waiting at the end of the alleyway. Checking my surroundings, I pull my hood off of my head and quickly make my way towards the car. As I open the door and sit in the passenger seat, the person accompanying me is one of the last people I suspected.


"So you're this, Crimson Bullet, character?"

I slowly shut the door, never looking away from my ex.

"You're a Hitman?"

"I need something to do when I'm home. Not to mention you aren't the only sniper in the military, Alyson. We have more in common that you think."

Our conversation is interrupted by police sirens and the squealing of tires.

"Look, I would love to continue to have this conversation, Lo, but I just got outta that place. I have zero intention of going back. So do us both a favor and drive."

I hear her scoff in the seat next to me as she shifts gears and peels out of the alleyway.

"You have a place to stay?"

"Well, the person who put me there knows where I live. So, no."

"Then you're staying with me."



"Mi casa, is yada yada."

I toss my black sweatshirt I pulled off in the car on a chair in her living room. Her small apartment is mostly empty, aside from the basic necessities and little to no personal effects.


"Yeah, I'm not staying here for long, but it's home."

She jumps over the back of her couch, patting the spot beside her and looking towards me.

"Alright, time to talk."

Sighing, I make my way around the couch and sit next to her, sideways. Leaning my back against the armrest of the black leather couch, I cross my arms over my chest.

"What do you wanna know?"

"First, why you're home."

"Dishonorably discharged."

She mirrors my stance, turning to her side and staring at me intently.

"I got that much, but that doesn't answer the question. Why?"

"I just snapped one day. You know how it is, after all the months and months of death and blood..."

She nods, letting me continue talking,

"Well, it happened more for the Specs, but still you understand. We got a new recruit and being the Sargent, it was my job to show him the ropes."

"You beat the kids ass, didn't you?"

I shrug,

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