21. Breaking Down

Start from the beginning

"You should listen to the Stark. She's quite right. Cut off one head, two more shall take its place." Zola said, showing us a picture of the Hydra logo. "Prove it." Cap said, disbelieving as always.

"Do you even know what a hydra looks like? A hydra was a greek myth of an animal with multiple heads, not a octopus." I told him condescendingly, only to be ignored, as per freakin' usual.

"Accessing archive. Hydra was founded in the belief that humanity could not be trusted with its own freedom. What we did not realize was that if you try to take the freedom, they resist. The war taught us much. Humanity needed to surrender its freedom willingly. After the war, SHIELD was founded, and I was recruited. The new Hydra grew a beautiful parasite inside SHIELD. For 70 years, Hydra has been secretly feeding crisis, reaping war, and when history did not cooperate, history was changed." Arnim Zola said, going on and on about how cool Hydra was. Sign up kids! We like to kill people because we don't want people to be free! Yay! No thanks.

"That's impossible. SHIELD would have stopped you." Natasha defended. Sorry Nat, but obviously they weren't stopped.

"Accidents will happen." Zola spoke, showing a picture of my grandfather. Accident? "Hydra created a world so chaotic that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom to gain security. Once a purification process is complete, Hydra's new world order will arise." He said, at the end showing the new helicarriers of mass destruction. Ha! Called it Fury! "We won, Captain. Your death amounts to the same as your life. A zero sum." Arnim said amused. Steve, however, was not amused. He punched the screen leaving it cracked hurrediously. The glass would be unrepairable.

"As I was saying . . ." Zola said, coming on to another screen, this one tinier. "What's on this drive." Steve commanded with full authority in his voice. You think he's just gonna tell you Steve? Guess you're dumber than I thought you were.

"Project Insight requires insight. So, I wrote an algorithm." Zola said not giving us much information. But more than I thought he would.

"What kinda algorithm? What's it do?" I asked, stepping up closer to the screen so I wouldn't mishear.

"The answer to your question is fascinating." Zola started. "I bet it is." I seethed sassily.

"Unfortunately for you deary and your friends, you shall be too dead to hear it." Zola ended. You could just feel the creepy mean smile on his face. I glanced back to the elevator doors, about to make a run for it when they closed with a smash.Steve had thrown his SHIELD at it but it was too late. Now there's no exit.

"Steve we got a bogey. Short range ballistic." Natasha said, looking down at my phone. I ran over to her, yanking my phone out of her hand to see what it said. It showed that a missile will be hitting in less than 30 seconds. Meaning: We are totally going to die.

"We only have 30 seconds." I said with a frown, my eyes glossing. My stomach had dropped all the way to the floor. I am too young to die. I'm only 14. I can not die! I will not die! I'm gonna die.

I'm totally freaking out.

"Who fired it?" Steve asked, breaking me out of my freakout. I looked down at my phone and wasn't surprised at all.

"SHIELD. But basically Hydra." I said with a fake quick smile.

"I am afraid I have been stalling, Captain. Admit it. It's better this way. We are, both of us, out of time." Zola said finishing his conversation forever. I grabbed the hard drive while Steve banged his shield on a lower part of flooring that was blocked by medal. It broke off. Me and Nat ran to him, jumping into the small flooring area. Steve held onto both me and Natasha, and his shield which was blocking the roof and walls from hitting us. Fire went everywhere around us. I could feel myself screaming as the heat reached my body, but couldn't hear it  because of the ring that was now in my ear.

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