24.| vanilla

693 55 27

victor💦: hey yuri? you awake?

baby💗: damn why did i give you my number again?? it's like 1 am??

victor💦: i'm lonely and i want my katsudon here with me

baby💗: aw

baby💗: i miss you too victor

baby💗: and i miss you smell

victor💦: my smell? i have a smell?

victor💦: why thank you :(

baby💗: a good one !!

victor💦: tell me what it is then

baby💗: nooo

victor💦: why not??

victor💦: aww come on yuuuri

victor💦: please baby

victor💦: you're cute when you're embarrassed

baby💗: fine

baby💗: yousmellofvanillaandilikeit

baby💗: it's a sort of sweet smell

baby💗: and it makes you want more

baby💗: oh god that was so embarrassing i'm so embarrassed !!

victor💦: i miss your smell too yuri

baby💗: my smell? what is it victor?? is it nice??

victor💦: bubblegum

victor💦: sweet like you,, baby boy

baby💗: you're such a flirt, nikiforov

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