79.| fallingforyou

386 36 8

victor🌫; i nearly did it

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victor🌫; i nearly fucking did it

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victor🌫; but i didn't

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victor🌫; because i thought of you

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victor🌫; i thought of you, baby

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victor🌫; and even though i'm just some drugged-up rich kid

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victor🌫; and you're not going to see any of this

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victor🌫; i love you, yuri katsuki

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victor🌫; i love you

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victor🌫; want you

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victor🌫; and appreciate you

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victor🌫; fuck

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victor🌫; i almost did it

message not sent! you have been blocked from communications with contact "🍷"

M.O.N.E.Y • viktuuri ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ