Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

The shock reverberated around the bailey, whispers soon following. Larena could feel the heat flush through her face. Mortified at the sudden attention and stares after so long in the dark and shadows. How could Kendrick do this to her? What is the Lord Almighty's name was he thinking? She wanted her voice to be whip sharp and ice cold, but instead it was barely audible and wisp thin. "Kendrick, what are you doing? We agreed" She swore she could feel his chest tremble in humour at her back. But none of it entered his own voice as she peaked upon her brother. Camdyn's glare hot enough to melt that ice she had wanted in her words earlier.

"Exactly what I said. Camdyn we need to discuss the details. Find something that works for both of our clans for the better as we sort out this alliance." Larena shivered as Kendrick's breath brushed her ear just before his soft whisper tickled through her. "Now that will have everyone talking, shall we leave the rabble and find a quiet place to talk with Cam?"

Still shaken from the sudden announcement, it was Camdyn who managed to speak before she could. "How do I know you are good enough for my sister? She has been here for years and yet only now you want her? I think there is more to this than meets the eye." He widened his stance, Larena felt her heart beat faster as she watched Cam's hand lift to the handle of his sword resting upon his shoulder blade.

She reached out, as if she were close enough to stop his actions. "Nay, Camdyn, this tis not what..." Kendrick interrupted her by swinging down to the bailey cobbles and reaching for his own sword in the same motion. "Kendrick, what do you think you are doing?" Helplessly searching the bailey for a compatriot, she glanced Aislinn upon the Keep steps. "Aislinn, can you not stop this foolishness?" The pleading tone seeping through would have made her feel weak, but this was to stop bloodshed and if it was the only way then so be it.

Aislinn kept her face calm as she glanced at her husband and his friend, knowing that Cam had a plan was enough for her to let this happen. But Larena's plea broke a piece of her heart. This woman had been through a lot a changes over the years but never has she asked for help. "I am sorry Larena, but you know your brother well. If he is set on defending your honour then it is not within my power to change his mind." Even as she said the words, Isla snorted beside her.

"You, Mi'lady, have more sway than you believe. If you walked down there now, or even called out, then he would stop and you know it." The twinkle in Isla's eye was obvious to Aislinn as she turned her head from the circling men.

"Aye, but Larena does not need to know that. And this needs to play out, of that I am sure." The whisper did not carry and Larena was still frantic with worry as she slide from the stallion and landed upon her feet with a rather graceless thump.

Those in the bailey may not know the true nature of what was playing out, but the prospect of a fight was much more entertaining than the everyday activities that they should be attending too. More started to fill the area as the word spread and soon nearly all of the Keep's inhabitants were waiting with baited breath for the first blow to strike.

Larena circled the men as they in turn circled each other. Looking desperately for an opening in which to try and stop this madness which was unfolding before her. There was no help to be found from the people around her, but they had never been a help to her; they had either ignored her or hated her from the time she could remember.

"Kendrick, if you have touched my sister, hell with hath no fury compared to what I will bestow upon you." Cam kept his face straight and emotionless, which Larena knew could mean pain for his opponent.

"You would accuse me of being such a man as to treat a lady of this house with no honour at all?" It was Cam's return snort that drove away the fear and spiked anger in Larena's heart. Was this about image or about her? For if this was a contest to prove who was the most male she was not being the reason for it.

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