Chapter 14

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AN - Sorry that I have not been writing much, been so busy at work, hope that this extra long chapter makes up for it! Az x

Chapter 14

It was some hours later that Larena found herself able to find a little of the chill past the anger once more. She was unable to truly ever be free of one or the other, but finally able to want one over the other. The chill was better than the fire, for the chill allowed her to think whilst the fire took over her mind in ways she never wished to think on, her actions taken beyond her control. The chill may make her numb to the world, may mean she can say mean things and perform cruel actions at least she had the semblance of caring even if it was beyond her own capabilities to actually feel beyond those two feelings which swirled within her.

It also allowed her the time to think about this new usurper. She could see that her brother was enamoured of her. She could not think beyond the way he looked at her this morn. It was once how Kendrick had looked in Larena's direction. It made the anger bubble inside her, at the thought that any male could make a girl feel like this again. But...could her brother really give up Aislinn as Kendrick had done her? Quickly dashing away the line of wet that ran down her cheek, she realised it was past time that she tried to speak to her brother rather than scream. She had to make him see that if he did not really want Aislinn he had to let her go now.

Taking a deep breath she looked about her, only then realising that her women had deserted her yet again whilst she fought her inner struggle. Not surprising at all really, but they had even left her this time without a fire burning in the hearth, for the chill of the room now echoed the chill within. With more faculties about her than she had had in hours, she stood and smoothed her skirts, allowing herself to be completely composed before she moved forward. Yet as she reached her door she cracked it back shut again, watching as her brother had a meal directed into his room. It put an idea in her mind, she just needed to get into the right position. Needed to know her brother and if he meant the truth. Knowing this Keep better than anyone, having many a lonely day and night to explore trying to dim the boredom, she had found the passageways which must have been built when the Keep was.

When the activity died down across the way and the last maid closed the door solidly behind them, Larena took her chance and slipped out of her own rooms. Heading towards the opposite end of the corridor, stopping just before her father's chamber doors. Instead, finding the secret latch in the wall beside the door and entering the slimmest of openings that sprang forth. Slipping through the pitch black of the passage, knowing that it was a certain number of steps to where she was meant to be. It was all a game as a child, but if she remembered correctly she could find what she needed. Pausing and turning to her right, she let her fingers slide across the stone before her, finding the crumbled edge of a stone in the wall, knowing it was the one she looked for. With infinite care she slid the stone backwards, making sure it ran along its proper tracks so as not to make noise in the room within. The tiny gap of light flooded forth, she knew the gap would be indistinguishable from the inside, but Larena could see Camdyn and Aislinn clearly as they dined.

She witnessed as the story of this morn was retold from Aislinn's delicate voice, but she could not even find the ability to let the anger rise, for every word she said was the truth. So the chill remained in charge. A tiny spark in her heart appearing when Cam laughed, his shoulders shaking in a way he had not in a very long time. Since before their father fell ill. It went on for so long that he ended up doubled over as if in pain, but it was a private snapshot in time which even Larena felt a twinge of regret for intruding upon. Aislinn glowed as she giggled along with Cam, both of them looking for all the world as if they were meant for each other. It cause a pain to spear through Larena yet she knew that some were worthy of it, and maybe, just maybe, Aislinn was one of them.

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