Chapter 13

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AN - It is quite peculiar to write scenes I have already written from a different point of view. Hope you have memories of the first book here! from a different perspective of course! Az x

Chapter 13

Having made their way up to the parapet, it seemed the entire clan had decided to come to the battle today, some entertainment in their dreary lives. But the wind picked up a little on this brisk day, buffeting them every now and then with a particularly heavy gust. It pinked cheeks and caused most to pull cloaks a little tighter around them. Larena barely felt the chill, only the force of the gust had her keeping the same gestures as others. She had a chill deep within, surrounded by the fire of her smouldering anger, it kept her from really feeling anything apart from the chills and heats that reached excess. So as she stood in prime position to watch the day's entertainment, she could feel the boredom return once more, taking over the simmering anger and the chill of emptiness, with an expression of utter nothing.

Hearing the murmurs she knew exactly who had managed to reach the top of the staircase. Turing to spy Aislinn moving into view with both Minna and Iona flanking her, both of the latter girls not seeming to take a moment to breathe as they babbled on about something or other completely inconsequential that most girls seemed to babble on around her. It was the cloak which caught Larena's eye the soft fur lining peeking through as she walked so demurely through the crowd who parted for her, most with smiles upon their faces. It was the cloak she had received for her last birth celebration, a gift from her father as he could not find the time to speak with her that day. Her eyes grew dry, but it was probably the wind as she blinked feeling the scratchiness of the surface she tried to make good once more.

She could only add the vices up against the woman, but in the end she knew that it was herself that Larena had issues with. For the cloak had never suited her colouring, where it seemed made for Aislinn. Was there really nothing that the woman could not take from her and make it seem as if it was hers from the start? As she huddled between the tower wall and the parapet, it was without any real feeling she turned towards the land before her. Teaming with males, each of the women around her having their chosen favourites. Larena had spoked of a male she favoured, it was expected of her within her chosen circle. But she had no interest in him at all, other than to make the girls around her titter and send her sly looks whenever he walked by. Especially as he was showing off as the two side split to separate, it was about to begin and Larena could not have cared less. However around her the excitement on the parapet was bubbling over.

The more that she watched the more that the anger swirled within her once more. Why did she still feel nothing but the chill and fire of nothing and anger? Why should she feel as if she were the outsider in her own clan? As the excitement simmered, it seemed to set fire to the glowing ambers and Larena knew that she could not hold it within, for when she did the dark, dark thoughts came back and in moments of weakness she almost gave into the ideas which floated through her mind. So she needed the release in anger. She tried to find an outlet, how could she let this anger fly?

Looking over the parapet at the people of her clan, in her prime position, the weak sunlight and wind was becoming bitterly cold, even as it inflamed her anger further. The imposter who had managed to convince her imbecile of a brother and the old witch Isla was just stood yards away. How could they even think that SHE was a Lady, when Larena was sneered at, at every turn she made? What a jest! You could tell from acres away that Aislinn was no lady. She had nothing to her name except what had been stolen from Larena. How dare SHE have what only Larena in this clan deserved? Larena was under no impression that the girls that surrounded her were her friends. She only used them to lord over her wealth and possessions, and they used her for the status she gave them by having them in her personal group. They would as soon stab her in the back if something better came along, which Larena had no intention of happening. This imposter had to be shown for what she is. Her mind twisted and turned with the anger which coursed through her and ideas on how to release it came rushing to the front of her mind.

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