Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Kendrick was on high alert as he sat opposite Lord Gordon Douglas. Declining any of the hospitality until he knew of the nature of his visit. He was not about to take his last victuals because he was too foolish to wait out the intentions of his opponent. Even if the scotch was known to be one of the best around. Save that made in his own clan of course. But that was part of their secret and they would keep it as long as needed until it was perfected enough to sell. A few more years and it may even rival Douglas' but not yet, until then they would make sure that it was a well-kept secret.

Leaning back in the finely upholstered chair, he made sure even as uncertain as he was of this entire situation, he was exuding confidence. He may be the lower born in this situation, but it seemed with the nervous twitches, Lord Douglas was very much not holding the upper hand here either. All Kendrick had to do was make sure that he kept up with the pretence that he was the one who knew where they stood...even if that was in a muddy bog in the middle of nowhere. But that may be a better situation here, he had no idea. And Lord Douglas was not helping anything with his prolonged silence.

It eventually became too painful to sit in this silence. The opulence of the room as suffocating as the silent occupant. They had been left alone, unusual for one as powerful as Douglas. He had expected at least one lackey to be left around to answer the beck and call of Douglas' whims. Yet, it seemed whatever the reason was for this, it was enough to be done behind truly closed doors. "Lord Douglas," Kendrick paused as Douglas quiet literally jumped in his seat. It was unprecedented for Kendrick to meet with someone, who had specifically asked for him to be there, who was so preoccupied. Douglas came back to himself before Kendrick could carry on, waving Kendrick's words away. "Nay, let us start as I meant to go on, call me Gordon, may I be permitted to call you Kendrick?"

Kendrick took a moment to look the male up and down. Whilst his clothes were the best money could buy, his white fleck, thinning hair was still thick on top. But he looked a little too thin, especially for being a taller gentleman, his face a little gaunt, his entire aura one of utter defeat. "Aye, Gordon, shall we start off on friendly terms at least." His smile was open, but his mind was whirling. The friendship of a man this powerful was always welcome, yet, it always came at a price. "May I enquire as to the real reason you called me here?" He put just enough emphasis on the words for them to sink back into Douglas' wondering mind.

He watched as Douglas shook himself back into the present from wherever his mind had wandered. "Aye, I suppose we should get right too it. I am sure you have heard the rumours..." Douglas' voice petered out as he looked over Kendrick's shoulder, even though Kendrick knew no one was there, he still had to quickly glance over to make sure they were still alone. It all clicked into place now. The rumours of a highborn lady having sullied herself with a servant has spread throughout Edinburgh over the last few weeks. No names had ever reached his ears, and he had not been any more interested in it, other than to have a good laugh at it when discussing deals with his comrades. He would never have guessed the lofty Douglas would be in this position with his daughter...and just then the reason Kendrick had been called here became very clear.

"Oh, Lord Douglas, I really..." Douglas interrupted him almost immediately. "Gordon, please, I see you have heard of the rumours, without me having to even speak of them. I would like you to hear me out fully, before you dismiss me out of hand. I am sure that you could find my terms more than to your liking." Kendrick leaned forward, clearing his throat a little. "Gordon," at Douglas' nod he continued. Kendrick did not want to lose the friendship which could be encouraged here, but this was not the way it was going to happen. "Whilst I am much appreciative of the prestige I think you wish to propose. I am afraid to tell you that I am," he tried to find the right word, "unavailable to take up this task." He sat back and waited for that to wash over Douglas. He really did hope he had misunderstood what Douglas was going to propose and he was going to laugh him off and take this discussion a different direction. Though the defeated slump to his richly clad shoulder's made Kendrick seriously doubt that would be the case. In a soft voice Douglas continued. "Just how unavailable are you?"

Kendrick leant forward, placing his hands upon the table between them in a placating gesture. "I have been betrothed for years. The papers are all signed, the dowry ready to be received and the wedding due within the next year. I am currently in Edinburgh setting up the trade routes for both my clan and my betrothed's clan, in order to comply with the MacLeod's side of the treaty." He looked down a moment, trying to choose his words with care, he may not be telling the whole truth, but he hoped beyond all else that this would be the truth as soon as he managed to get back and speak with both Camdyn and Larena. "I am afraid that I am unable to fulfil any other marriage contract."

Douglas slumped back against his seat. "I understand of course, you are a man of your word. I have heard such of you, it was one of the reasons that I would have trusted you with my daughter, even when I know so little of you. All those who I could get to speak, and you inspire a lot of loyalty from the Lowlanders for a Highlander. My daughter would have brought with her a sizable dowry, twice what I would have given her future husband." Douglas put his head in his hands. "I should have paid closer attention." Kendrick felt sorry for the man, everyone it seems has their problems, and they were just different for every man. They each needed to find their own solution and way out of the mess they found themselves in.

It was just as Kendrick was about to stand that thought struck him. Artair was in despair over the woman he could not have, the plan they had come up with together would never work even with a hope and a prayer. Here he had an opportunity to give his friend more than he ever could have found by himself. The woman he wanted he had spent so little time with, did he truly know her? Douglas was offering a sum which Artair may never see in his life otherwise, in the end he was going to thank him surely? He was the lower relative of the Laird, Camdyn would never let his cousin fall but he could never raise him to the heights Douglas could. Kendrick could give his friend something that he would never have dreamt of to this point.

"Lord Douglas, Gordon," he tacked on the last at the weary look he received. "I, myself, may not be able to help ye, but I am here with a relative of the Laird MacKay...he happens to currently be unattached..."


Kendrick paced for a while, trying to work out exactly what he was to say. Artair had not been in when he had returned from the Douglas household. He was glad at the time, but as the hours had passed, Kendrick was beginning to worry, not only for his friends, but on how exactly he was going to tell his friend exactly what he had done. The longer he thought on it, the more he worried that he had done the wrong thing, maybe he should not have been so hasty in trying to advance his friend's status. Nay he could not think like that. He had to think positively, nothing else could be in his mind at this point. Just as he took a seat the front door slammed open, shaking the house with its ferocity. Causing Kendrick to jump from his chair in surprise, yet as he caught sight of his friend a large beam sprang across his face. Relief flooded through him that Artair was safe, even though he had not doubted his friend's skills it was his state of mind he had been unsure of.

Artair still kept coming for him though, not expecting anything, Kendrick had no time at all to prepare himself. The first hit was like being hit with a sledgehammer, curses flew from his mouth as he retaliated without even thinking, his training and warrior reflexes taking over in an instant. Both of them went down, tumbling upon the floor, flesh hitting flesh, cries of rage and pain flying around them. It was Artair that pulled back first, rolling onto his back as they both gasped for air, looking upon the exposed beams above them. He gave his friend a moment longer to compose himself before speaking. "Have you done now man? Or do you want another round?" Kendrick was ignored by his friend, but was not going to be so easily put aside after that beating. "Because I was about to tell you the joyous news..." So, maybe he was exaggerating until he knew how Artair would take this news. "Before you hit me square in the jaw." Artair turned his head towards him and raised an eyebrow. It seemed that was all the response he was going to get at this point. "You, my friend are officially betrothed."

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