Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Maybe it had been a mistake. But Artair would come around? Surely? He had to, did he not? Kendrick rubbed his hands down his face, feeling so adrift, yet as the door before him opened and he was ushered in, he had no idea what he was going to do now. Artair had disappeared without Kendrick being able to explain anything to him, but his friends face had told him all. The betrothal was not to the woman he wanted and Kendrick was now in a hole he had to find a way out of for both his friend and himself. Kendrick had miscalculated. If he had been told the same information, when he was still holding the hope he was for Larena, then he could very much understand why Artair was in such a mood with him now. He just had not known that Artair had felt so strongly for this lass he barely knew. At least Kendrick had known Larena for years, been betrothed to her for almost the same amount of time. Shaking himself free of his thoughts, he stepped into the grand house, knowing he needed his wits about him to be able to survive the next few, excruciating hours.

It was a whirlwind of meeting people, whom he had no doubt thought little of him due to his being either a Highlander or not as finely dressed, depending upon which he spoke to, it was one or the other. In a few cases he believed both the reasons were why they treated him civilly enough, but the disdain in their eyes was extremely hard to miss. At no point did he managed to manoeuvre a private meeting with Douglas himself. After an hour of him subtly departing from conversations to talk with Douglas, he realised that the man was deliberately not giving him an opportunity to speak with him, most probably afraid of what he had to say. Kendrick did not know what he actually wanted to say to the man, he just knew that he needed to talk with him on the situation.

Another obvious thing he noticed, was that there was someone missing from the group with him, most noticeably it was the one woman who had caused so much trouble for her family. What worried Kendrick the most about it was that he did not know the reason for her absence. It could be because she has disgraced her family so much. This was a valid reason, but something within his mind told him that it was not the correct reason. No matter what he saw around him, he knew his gut had never led him wrong so far. This meant that her absence was either because she was unhappy with her father's choice and showing him through not showing up. Or, she was not appealing in either appearance or attitude and this was the reason she was kept away, rather than it being her choice. Either of these options did not bode well for Artair and therefore by extension Kendrick as the one who had being a part of the plan.

Just as Kendrick was beginning to tire of the whole situation and was thinking of how to talk his way out of this gathering, they were led through to another room. As one of the first through the doorway, Kendrick had a clear view of the room. He started at the image he saw before him, Artair was there, in the middle of the room before him, looking all the world like he wanted to murder him, but alive and very much ready to fight for his freedom. Yet, he pulled himself together quickly stepping to the side and with a hard tone to his voice, he knew Artair would recognise, he finally spoke. "Artair, what a pleasant surprise." Artair gave him the same tone back, both knowing the other needed to explain fully, but they would wait until they had privacy. "Well, I heard I was betrothed and just could not sit about at home until I had met the lady in question." Kendrick watched as Artair went into a defensive stance, crossing his arms and spreading his legs to make his frame look sturdier. Yet his face was as cold as Kendrick had ever seen before from the 'happier' of the twins.

Kendrick opened his mouth to answer the accusation in Artair's tone. But before he could speak, he was pushed aside by gushing and squealing middle aged women who took the opportunity to mob Artair. Obviously having heard Kendrick call his name, so it seemed this was his fault as well. The bobbing heads of the women, brown, blonde and red all steaked with grey and white moved around Artair as if he was a new trinket in the market that they all wanted a piece of. Kendrick caught the triumphant delight in the eye of the Lady of the house. It seemed if the daughter took after the mother then Douglas had not had a happy life and Artair may not either. It was at that moment that Kendrick knew he had to call this off for his friend. One of them deserved happiness and if that was not him, then so be it.

Highland Chieftain (Book 5)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora