The Battle

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We all loaded into a jet and tension was high, I looked out the window and saw aliens attacking the citizens.
I was about to tell Mom to fly the plane faster when Stark opened the hatch and flew out in full armor. A portal had opened above his tower and aliens were pouring out.

"Where is he going?" I asked in shock.

"To his tower to stall Loki." The human American flag replied. I watched him fly.

"Have you ever been in a war before?" Rogers looked at me with a solum face. It was no use agruing or lying I was going to be in this war wether they wanted me to or not.

"I have been in a good amount of fights, but never a war." I replied

"This will be like nothing you have experienced. War is blood and there with be collateral damage. You won't be the same after." Captain America looked at me sadly. My throat closed up so I just nodded. I knew I wouldn't be the same, and I knew war was bloody, but I could handle it. It was my job to be able to handle anything.

The jet landed and the hatch opened. We all stood up ready to fight. Mom walked out of the jet front and stood infront of us.

"Kendra use your magic as much as you can, but do not get caught by any news cameras. Boys, make sure to keep the casualty count as low as possible. Clint, take the top of buildings with Tony. Cap, you are on the ground with me. Thor, try and stop the portal. Kendra, do what ever you need to do. Move!" We all ran out of the jet.

My adrenalin was pumping. An alien came at me from behind, so I severed its head of with a knife. I looked around. It was chaos. Screams were everywhere and the air smelled like blood. Cars were overturned and aliens were flying from the sky into the street and into stores and offices. I ran into the frey.

I shot four aliens in the head and picked up one of their weapon. I heard another on behind me and stabbed it in the gut. An arrow whizzed past my ear and hit an alien that almost jumped me. I turned my com on.

"Thanks Dad." I spun around and threw a knife at an alien about to enter a store. I pulled out my wand and muttered a spell. The knife flew back into my hand. I stunned a group of aliens then leaped over to them and cut of2f each of their heads.

I ran across the hoods of wrecked cars, shooting my gun and stunning spells all the way.

"Come to the corner of H and 5" Tony's voice came out of my com.

"On it," I replied as I took out another two aliens. I ran to the corner as quickly as I could. An alien came out of no where and tackled me. My head slammed against a car and my forearm was cut from the creatures nails. My hand was still gripping my wand. I screamed the disarming spell and it flinched off me. I shot it, quickly, but my head was still pounding. I bit my lip and pushed my pain to the back of my mind.

I finally made it to the corner. Bruce was talking to everyone else.

"I am always angry." He turned green and morphed into the hulk. A huge alien with other aliens on it was flying right toward us. We all got into positions. When it passed us I jumped onto it. I was met by many aliens. I shot spell after spell and took quite  a few punches. I stabbed and punched back just as hard.

Aliens ran at me as I pushed towards the front of the the thing they were riding. Creatures lunged at me. I flipped one over my back and shot it. I slashed a row of creatures throats and ignored the blood splatter. One slashed me behind the ear and then got thrown off the ride. An alien came up from behind me and grabbed my French braid, pulling me I went limp, forcing the alien to bend a little as I landed on the ground. I grabbed a knife and cut off the braid half way to me head. The minute I felt the tension leave I shot the creature in the head.

What was left of my hair was coming out of my braid and getting in my face as I fought my wave to the top of the thing. I finally made it to the front. I stuck to knives into the headish thing and steered it into a building, glass and stone rained down around me. I flipped off the thing before I was killed with it.

I looked up and saw Stark flying towards the portal.

"I can do it, I can shut the portal down." Mom's voice blasted from the intercom.

"Do it!" Cap' s voice responded.

"No wait, I have a nuke coming in." Stark argued.

"Stark these things are dangerous and they will just keep coming," Captian America said.

"It will blow in less then a minute." My breath caught in my throat.

Stark flew towards the nuke and caught it.

"And I know just where to put it."

"Stark! What are you doing? You will die!" I shouted into my com. All I received back was static. I ran under the portal opening in the sky where the rest of us Avengers were.

"Stark, you know that is a one way trip," Steve Rogers said more calmly.

"What is he doing?" I asked them frantically. I never really liked Stark, but he could die. I didn't need anyone dying again. He flew into the portal with the nuke, and a few seconds after he did every alien collapsed.  We all stopped fighting and looked at the portal.

I stared at the portal begging him to come out. We watched as the portal closed all the way. Then something red caught my eye. Tony was falling out of the sky.

"Son of a gun." Cap shuck his had smiling.

"He is not slowing down." Thor began to whip his hammer and fly.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" I shouted levitating spell after levitation, but he was going to fast. As he got closer he seemed to slow down but now enough. The Hulk jumped on a building and caught Stark, then layed him down infront of us. Dad took off his mask. His face was scratched and bloody, and he was not moving. I didn't know how to help him, all I could do was watch. Hulk vent down and yelled in his face.

"Aaa." Tony shot up "What the hell! What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me.

"We won," I replied and fell into the ground breathing heavily. Once the adrenalin left I could feel every injury.

"Alright yay, hurry! Good job guys," Tony layed back as well, "let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day off. Have you ever tried Shawarma?" We all laughed and shook our heads.

"There is a joint about to blocks from here. I don't know what it is but I want to try it." Thor and I shared a bewildered look.

"We are not finished yet." Thor looked up to Tony's tower where Loki was. Mom met us there and Thor flew us all up to the tower on at a time. We got in position and waited for Loki to wake up. When he did he was created by all of us standing over him.

"If it is all the same to you, I will have that drink now." I responded by punching him in the face.


Hey Everyone how did you like this chapter. Thank you for all the positive comments on the last Chapter, it really made my day.

Forever and always,


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