Let's be Real: Parents

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I love my parents, believe me I do. 

But they can be so stupid, judgemental, etc. Basically a pain in the ass. But everyone in general is like that. 

But they're still awesome. 

Like I know they keep their best interest in me, but they don't allow me to express myself (this is mostly my mom) 

Like I really prefer pants, rather than skirts. But my Mom has a belief that she made herself and made us give up pants and wear skirts everyday. 

And I prefer to eat certain things, but she complains when I don't eat the grandules she made the other day. 

I would prefer to put makeup on myself, but my mother won't allow me to do so since she says makeup makes you look older. I'd like to doll myself every now and then. 

There are many flaws in my family that I can point out but I'm lazy as fuck and I'm sick :/

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