Chapter 13: Impossible Year

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Krystal's smile faded when the lights exploded. She turned to Gabriel, whose fists were clenched tightly, his jaw locked. He was staring at the bodies, innocent souls that were torched without a second thought by Sariel. 

"I told her. I told her to never say yes." Gabriel growled, his tone sharp and cold. Krystal walked over to him, resting her hand on his cheek. 

"I know you did. Sam and Dean were in trouble, and you know better than anyone that she's like a mother, and a mother does anything for her children." Gabriel seemed to relax at her touch, leaning into her hand. He closed his eyes, brow still furrowed and biting the inside of his cheek. 

"She'll try to raise Lucifer and she'll make Death do her dirty work." He sighed, swallowing. Krystal kissed his cheek. 

"We need to talk to Chuck first, right?" She asked, watching him nod glumly. 

"He'll know by now, he would've sensed her release from Heaven's dungeons." She decided not to ask anymore questions for now, letting Gabriel rest his head in her neck, pulling her close to him. "I'm surprised she didn't try to hurt you, especially when you hit her." 

"Then she's just a coward." Krystal smirked, playing with his golden hair. Gabriel huffed out a laugh, lifting his head up. "We'll save her, Gabe. I promise." 

Rule one: Don't make promises you can't keep. 

"Sariel can be killed with an archangel blade, but Autumn will be very weak and killing Sariel may kill her." Chuck was fiddling with his wedding ring, blue eyes shining with worry. "We need Autumn to control her then eject her into the cage." 

"And the possibilities of that?" Sam's voice was groggy, ridden with guilt and pain. Krystal winced looking at him and Dean- covered in bruises and scars. 

"You overtook Lucifer." Castiel pointed out, staring at Dean. Dean refused to look at the angel, and the reluctance in him made Krystal hold Gabriel's hand tighter. Christine was brushing her hand through Chuck's wild curls, her face set into angry stone. 


"But you still did." 

"Autumn won't try." Chris spoke, the first time she had for the whole week they had been watching the news, tracking angel radio, and trying to avoid the raising of Satan. "She thought she saved Sam and Dean, Sariel will be manipulating her mind, making her believe this is the right thing. That or Autumn's comatose." It was the truth, the one no one wanted to say, wanted to believe. 

"Trust my wife to be the voice of reason." Chuck swallowed, kissing her cheek. "We have to get Autumn in charge, it... it's the only way without having to use my powers and ripping apart half the damn planet." 

"Whatever it takes." Krystal nodded. "We'll get her back, and that's a promise." The whole group nodded in unison, like a cult mumbling one prayer to a goddess with two faces- one with kind eyes and the other with lips the color of blood. 

Don't make promises you can't keep. 

Krystal was screaming, Chuck was yelling, and Sariel was laughing. Her hands on her hips, the Cage opening it's black maw behind her as she floated off the ground. Drunk, mindlessly drunk on the power of raising her brother back. 

Castiel grabbed her hand, while Chris took the other. Krystal reached out, but the strong aura surrounding the Archangel was too strong for her to take many steps forward. 

The light flickered, and the laughter ceased. When the hunter looked up, she saw a brokenness in those blue eyes, a numbing pain in the way Autumn looked at the brunettes holding her hands. She drifted downwards, then fell to the grass with a crash. Krystal ran to her, holding Autumn's head in her lap. 

"She's not.. she's in there." Autumn mumbled as she weakly gestured to the hole still behind her. "Close it! It's o-" The immortal's high-pitched scream rang in everyone's ears as an invisible force dragged her down into the darkness. Krystal felt the slide of her hair through her fingers, the scramble of fingers on her clothes, but it was for nothing as the jaws of Hell closed around broken blue eyes. 

Don't make promises. 

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