Chapter 12: Cherry Bomb

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Months had passed, and Krystal hadn't truly changed- she was hunting (without Gabriel's permission), still drank some when Autumn wasn't around, still hustled pool and cheat drunks out of their money. 

But some things had changed- Autumn had gotten over Castiel, Chris was Krystal's new bestie, and Gabriel seemed to have something very important lingering on the edge of his tongue. Despite her constant questions, nothing could quite loosen what was between Gabriel's teeth, not even the promise of sex. That was another thing- Gabriel hadn't done it with her yet, a fact that shocked Krystal. 

"Gabriel," She had him underneath her, her head on his chest. "Why haven't we fucked yet?" He laughed at her bluntness. 

"You aren't ready, Starlight. We aren't ready. I haven't even taken you on our first date yet." He smiled, running his fingers through her hair. "I want to, I really do..." His eyes turned unfocused and glassy before he shook his head and kissed her nose. "No, Starlight, not yet." 

But Gabriel wasn't the first thing Krystal noticed when she entered the home. No, it was the smell of burning clothes and a high-pitched laugh. She ran towards the smell, pulling out her gun. She kicked down the basement door and continued running until the sight met her eyes. 

Autumn, in a tight v-neck and mini skirt, laughing wildly as she ran around a bonfire of clothes and flesh. Red lipstick was smeared across her small like blood, and the glow in her eyes was demonic and heavenly. She turned to Krystal with a overly satisfied smile. 

"Well hello, little one, would you like to join me?" Her voice was wrong, no trace of the sweet southern accent or kind motherliness. There was only harsh syllables, a cold drawl that made Krystal's skin crawl.

"Autumn?" This wasn't the immortal, this was a monster of the worst kind, a sinful creature that reeked of carnal pleasures and drained veins. 

"Oh no, honey. You see, I'm Sariel." The menace stepped closer, heels clicking on the hardwood floor. "Autumn said yes to me thinking it would save her dear boys. But me, oh..." She ran a manicured hand down Krystal's cheek, and the hunter flinched away, pointing her gun at the beast's endowed chest. 

"Get the fuck out of my friend." Krystal growled, fighting to keep her hand steady. This thing still wore Autumn, still in there was the sweet person that Krystal had seen take down a hoard of vampires, five witches, three demons, and cook three large meals plus dessert all on the same day. 

"No, I don't think I will." Sariel winked, a feat Autumn had never accomplished. Krystal swallowed at the unnaturalness of it, the dank scent of wrong that clung to Sariel's every curve. "I have a big brother to reunite with, you see." She smiled, stretching out that soft mouth, the red lipstick feeling more and more like an excuse to beat that cute face to a pulp. Maybe that was the point, to make her forget that this was Autumn's body still. 

"I doubt that." Gabriel's voice made Sariel falter temporarily before smirking. 

"Aw, my other big brother. I see you found a sweet mouse to play with." Sariel's wicked grin looked more like a demon than a cat. Krystal saw Gabriel's posture stiffen as an angel blade slid down his sleeve into his hand. "She's adorable, have you buried yourself inside her yet? Does she scream for your di-" Krystal cracked the Archangel across the face with her gun, making her turn to the hunter. 

"I am no mouse, bitch, and you're leaving before you cause any more harm to my friend." Sariel laughed, the moonlight laugh of vintage whores, the saccharine smile far too false. 

"Be careful, sweet little gem," The sound of Krystal's nickname made her wince. "Least the Archangel makes her wolves come knocking." The lights flickered and the Dark Angel vanished. 

"Send them all." Krystal couldn't help a smirk identical to Sariel's cross her face. 

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