Chapter 5: Lost Boys

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The laughter was childish, but also adult. A teenager? Krystal opened her eyes slowly, covering her face from an oppressing sun. There was the gentle lap of waves on her feet, and the soft sound of wind in palm trees. She stood, moving in circles to gauge where she was now. A tall mountain up ahead, surrounded by trees and ocean. There was smoke and the distant sound of drums in the distance, and she could barely make out the teepees far off. Then there was that laugh again, high up in the clouds. Krystal looked up, furrowing her brow at the shadowy figure up there. A cannon boomed, and a ball barely missed the wispy ghost.

"Missed me again, codfish!" A girl's voice, and yes, most likely a teenager.

"I'll get you Pan!" That was Gabriel, and Krystal's eyes widened at the anger and humor in his voice, as if he was play-fighting a pirate. The shadow disappeared behind the mountain, and Krystal didn't move when the shadow's owner landed in front of her, hands on curvy hips.

A redhead, hair to her slim shoulders. She had a wide smile, pale skin dappled with freckles. Bright blue eyes contrasted with the lincoln green of her tunic and leggings, and her hair did not bode with with the jaunty red feather in her cap. She was curvy and endowed, and if Krystal wasn't maybe six years older than her, she'd think about the body under those clothes.

"Hiya!" The girl waved cheerfully. "I'm Tummie, Gabey's bestie." Gabey... Krystal smirked at that nickname. "Welcome to Neverland." So it was what she thought- Peter Pan, the original Disney version.

"He's Captain Hook?" She nearly started laughing, imagining Gabriel with the ridiculous outfit and mustache.

"Yepskirdoodles!" Tummie grinned so wide Krystal thought she'd be stuck that way. "Come on, let's get outta here before he causes more mayhem." She took her hand, leading her into the forest. There was something.. Off about Tummie's back, it seemed to be too tense for the light, causal stroll she was leading. Her shadow danced along the trees, along with the appearance of wings. Wings, huge ones that still dragged along the ground as she walked, still fluttered and flickered with each step.


"Thanks." Tummie grinned, opening the door to a gnarled, old tree. "C'mon, Candyman won't be by till later." Krystal slipped down the hole, fully trusting this girl. She was starting to think that Gabriel wouldn't intentionally harm her, or send anyone who would. Tummie followed a moment later, landing ungracefully upon the sandy ground.

"Your name is Tummie?" Krystal asked, sitting across from her.

"Tummie, Tum," She waved a hand nonchalantly. "It's all a derivative of Autumn." Autumn. Well her looks matched that. Krystal nodded.

"I'm Krys." She held out a hand and Autumn shook it firmly. Her skin was soft, like a child's, but the tattoos of flowers and vines made her seem older.

"Nice to meet ya, Sugar High's fond of you." Autumn smiled softly. "Good to see him actually look at someone for more than two seconds."

"Did you and-" She was interrupted by Autumn's laughter.

"I ain't his type." She shook her head, threatening to unseat her hat. Autumn looked over at the door, where Krystal could faintly hear the clomp of heavy boots. "Why don't give Gabey a surprise before he swoops us home, yeah?" Krystal smiled as wide as Autumn.

Gabriel didn't see it coming, only that one moment we was continuing his and Autumn's play-fight, the next Krystal was his arms, kissing him again. He melted, cupping the back of her head.

"Cock-a-doodle-do!" Autumn crowed before sweeping Gabriel off his feet. "I didn't know codfish could fly!" She laughed and he attempted to whack at her.

"Put me down!"

"Oh, I dunno. What do you think, Kryssie?" Autumn looked down at Krystal, who was a fit of giggles.

"O-Oh- Put him dow- down- he's- he's too funny!" She laughed out, and Gabriel was promptly plopped at her feet, glaring like a surly puppy. "Gabriel!" Suddenly, the embarrassment was worth it. Autumn cleared her throat and Gabriel sighed.

"I know, I know." With a snap, they vanished into a lavish mansion, and Autumn stretched her arms wide.

"Welcome home, Krystal Evans."

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