Chapter 9: All This and Heaven Too

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God. The very being who's existence she had struggled to comprehend ever since she was child, since Frank took her in. And here he was, standing before her like a challenge.

"Chuck?" This voice was higher, a woman, not Autumn. The woman came out of the shadows like she was born from them, with a short shock of black hair and brown eyes. She was about Krystal's height, and was wearing a wedding band on her left hand. Something about her screamed in Krystal to destroy her, but she had no idea why.

"My masterpiece!" Chuck kissed the woman's cheek, and that's when Krystal noticed the matching wedding band on his hand.

"Wait- God's married?" She felt stupid now that she said it, but didn't move to take it back. The woman's brown eyes smiled, but her mouth didn't move.

"Yes. To the most perfect, amazing, beautiful Antichrist in the world. Funny how that works, huh?" The woman- no, the Antichrist- kissed Chuck softly, and a shimmering smile lit her face. Chuck seemed oblivious to Krystal's astonishment, for it was only a few moments before Autumn strolled in.

"Oh no.. I have two of the same name now. Krystal-" She pointed to her. "Christine." Chris wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"I hate that name." She pouted, and Chuck kissed it away. Is that what her and Gabriel were to become if Krystal went through with this?

"Too bad, Sugar Plumps." Autumn grabbed Krystal's arm. "Can I,,. talk to you?" She looked hesitant, scared, and she didn't seem to be as powerful anymore. Krystal nodded and waved goodbye to the Odd Couple before Autumn whisked her away to another room. "Do you like this one? You can fix it up however you like, I mean I know it's not the greatest, but-" Krystal stopped her rambling with a touch on the shoulder.

"It's perfect, Tum. What's wrong?" Krystal set the immortal in a chair and pulled another in front of her.

"D-Do you think I'm pretty?" Her heart fell, knowing why, for whom Autumn was asking. The words spilled from Krystal throat before she could stop them:

"I think you're beautiful. But Cas is dating Dean." Autumn shrunk, curling in on herself without moving, and tears wetted her blue eyes.

"Oh." Her voice was dry, cracking. Krystal swallowed and laid a hand on her shoulder. "I guess it doesn't matter if I'm pretty or not, does it? I'm such an idiot for thinking that someone could-"

"You have to wait. Wait for someone free, someone who cares and understands and likes you too." Krystal smiled, but it dissipated quickly.

"You and Gabe seemed so natural, like you were made for each other. Like you were soulmates or something, there's Chuck and Chris, and.. it never seemed to take so long. Maybe that should have told me- when it took so long for him to look at me kinda like he does Dean. I mean, you and are gonna go out, right? He likes you a lot."

"You really think so?" The door swung open, and Autumn ran to hug Chris. The Antichrist held her close for a moment, though Krystal could tell she wasn't fond of physical touch.

"We talking about girl problems? Let me tell you, dating the holy of holies isn't all it's cracked up to be." Autumn let out a sniffling laugh, and Chris moved her to the bed. "C'mon, Gem, gather around and we'll be teenagers like Ye Old Mama here." Krystal smiled and sat on the bed. She was starting to like this home, this family.

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