Chapter One

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Boulder, Colorado, September 2016

We're gonna have fun", Corey said. "When you see the college you're gonna like it. Believe me. It's awesome. The classrooms are great and don't let me talk about the cafeteria because it's huge. You know, I've been there only a few hours and I'm already in love with the college. I didn't finish to unpack all the boxes in my dorm but I can tell that is a mess, so you need to help me with that. Are you even paying attention to what I'm saying?"
"I'm paying attention," Rowan said

Rowan Blanchard and Corey Fogelmanis were having cereal for breakfast in Rowan's dinner table while her mother was making pancakes on a Monday morning in September. Rowan's dad is helping her sister, Carmen, to get ready for school.

As soon as her dad and sister leave, Rowan stares at the window wondering how her first day at college is gonna be. Corey and Rowan had been friends since they were 11 years old. He always had been for her whenever she needs it, but now how's gonna be with Corey staying most part of his time in the college dorms and not in her house as he used to be when they were in high school?

There was one thing that Rowan knew for sure, Corey will be always her best friend no matter what happens between them.

"You ready to go?" Corey said touching Rowan's arm.

"Yes. Just let me get my things and please, don't play with your baseball ball in the house. Remember that the other day you almost broke my mom's china."

Corey starts to laugh while Rowan's go to her bedroom to the second floor.

When she's in her bedroom noticed a moving truck in the front house but decided to ignore it because the owners are always renting that house. That's one of the reasons she never talked or tried to make a friendship with the neighbours.

Just a few minutes later, she's back and ready to go. They're walking through the historic downtown in silence 'til Rowan looks up to Corey.

"So how does it feel to be a law student?" Rowan asked.

"Row, we're not even in our first class! But hey, you can call me 'your lawyer' from now" Corey said pulling his collar shirt with his two hands and making a smirk.

"Yeah...sure..." Rowan said sarcastically and continued saying "I really want to become a good lawyer. Maybe someday I'm gonna be a Judge, but who knows. I'll try it anyway!"

"I know you're gonna make it, Row. Just gotta believe in you and work hard."

They continued walking until they were in the school. Rowan was a little bit scared but she tried to think about the good moments she will have with Corey and the new friends they're gonna meet. She didn't even realise that they're already in the hallway until the moment Corey gives her their college schedule and recognise that she's been really quiet since that morning but tries to ignore that.

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