I - Elton

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Tuning the house into a petting zoo prank

"So everyone is at the hospital with Scotland and Colby and I'm going to turn the house into a petting zoo" Elton said to all the boys that were in the house.

(A/n: the ones that helped with the Petting zoo video. I forgot most of their names)

"So why aren't you there seeing your niece uncle Elton?" Scotty asked.

"I was there this morning and everyone said they were going to stay for the rest of the day so I told them I had to post a video and I'd be back but they are actually supposed to get discharged from the hospital today so they're going to come home and see a giant petting zoo"

"Is that even safe with a new born baby?"

"I actually don't know but I'll warn them to cover up the carrier when they bring her in" Elton said.

(A/n: skip the important details about what animals are in their house)

"Colby" Elton said on the phone.


"What time are you guys coming home because if you're coming soon I'll just stay here but if you're going to come later than I'll go back to the hospital"

"Umm I think we're leaving in like 5 minutes. Ya we're getting discharged so well be home in about half an hour"

"Okay I'll just see you when you get home then"

"Okay" Elton hung up.

"Okay so they'll be here in half an hour" Elton said to everyone.


"You guys can't go inside yet" Elton said to his roommates that just pulled up.

"The fuck you mean? I just had a baby so I'm gonna go inside" Scotland said.

"Wait what is that?" Colby asked as he stood beside Scotland with a baby carrier in his hands. He pointed at the hay that was on the floor by the door.

"Is that hay?" Hayden asked.

"Is this like a welcome home party or something?" Scotland asked.

"Oh it's something alright" Scotty said.

"Okay I'm going to let you guys all in but there are a few things I have to tell you first" Elton said.

"There better not be a fucking lion in the house Elton" Devyn said.

"Okay so first of all, Colby is the carrier completely covered?" Elton asked Colby.

"Yes why?"

"Okay well since you have the baby you should probably go in last"

"Elton what the fuck?" Scotland said.

"Secondly, do not let it out because if it gets out and hops the fence then we have a problem"

"Elton I'm not taking Alex in there" Colby said.

"Let me just show you what it is" Elton said. He opened the door revealing the petting zoo.

"Oh my god" everyone said.

"Are those baby goats? Oh my god" Scotland said. Elton handed everyone baby goats.

"I can't I'm not supposed to carry anything heavier than Alex. But they're so cute" Scotland said when Elton offered her a goat.

"This is the cutest thing ever" Devyn said.

"Why did you want me to cover the carrier?" Colby asked.

"Well because she's a newborn and I didn't know if the smell or anything is bad for her" Elton explained.

"Oh that's true. We should probably take her upstairs" Colby said. Scotland and Colby went upstairs to their room and Elton followed.

"Guys just yell and make it seem like there's something in Sam's room" Elton said to them before going back down the stairs.

"Oh my god Sam your room" Colby yelled.

"Noooo Elton" Sam went running up the stairs to his room then realizing that there was nothing in his room.


"So did you guys think this was a good prank?"  Elton asked his roommates.

"I think it was" Colby said.

"Colby don't you have a baby to be taking care of?" Elton asked.

"She's asleep Elton"

"Oh right"

"Elton we should probably clean this up. I mean I'm not doctor but I don't think it's smart to have a 2 day old baby around all these farm animals" Corey said.

"That's probably true. Alright guys subscribe for more videos and thumbs up. Bye" Elton said to his camera.

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