XII - Hayden

554 11 3

Welcome to the hot seat

"What's up guys so today I decided to expose my roommates. But since I have too many of them I picked the first four I saw. So everyone please welcome Scotland, Colby, Elton, and Sam" Hayden said and the four roommates came into frame.

"I actually don't know what we're doing" Sam said.

"So you guys know the roommates, so today I've brought them in because there are a lot of things you guys might think you know about my roommates but actually don't. So today I'm putting them in the hot seat. But with a little twist"

"I know where this was going" Scotland said.

"You see if you don't know how the hot seat works, basically we have a chair, and each person will take their turn sitting in that chair and each of us will ask that person one question, it can be dirty, clean, stupid whatever we want. And usually if they don't want to answer they don't have to, simple and easy right? Well we don't like easy here on my channel. So if any person refuses to answer any of the questions, then they get to get a taste of Scotland's new toy" Hayden said before pulling a taser out and pressing the button making it make the noise. Everyone immediately freaked out.

"Why did I think she was going to pull out some like sexual toy?" Elton said.

"I'm not kinky what the fuck?" Scotland said.

"When did you get a taser?" Sam asked Scotland.

"Like a week ago"

"So if they don't answer it then they get tased by the person who asked the question" Hayden explained.

"What if we can't answer because we'd have to say someone's name?" Sam asked.

"You answer or you get tased" Hayden said pushing the button towards the camera which made Sam flinch.

"I'm gonna get some strongly worded emails after this" Scotland said.

"I think we all are" Elton said.

"Next video, we're getting sued by every YouTuber" Colby said.

"Okay so I'm also included in this video meaning I'll be in the hot seat as well. We're going to do sticks and stones to see who goes first and if you don't know how to play you'll get it" Hayden explained. They did sticks and stones and Scotland lost.

"Fuck. Why is it always me?" She said before getting in the seat.

"Okay so who wants to go first" Hayden said.

"I'll go" Colby said.

"I'm honestly scared" Scotland said. Colby stood beside her.

"So uh you know your ex, what was his name? Oh right FlaminGeos" Colby said.

"Yes" Scotland said with a scared smile on her face.

"So, after you two broke up did you guys hook up at all?" Colby asked and Scotland's jaw dropped.

"Oh shit" Hayden said.

"He wants the dirt" Sam said.

"Okay honestly. No we didn't" Scotland said.

"Honestly I don't believe you" Hayden said.

"Im telling the truth I didn't hook up with him at all after we broke up. I didn't even have sex wth him while we were together" Scotland said.

"Good answer" Colby said before sitting down.

"This is when it gets juicy" Hayden said as she stood up and walked over to Scotland.

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