VII - Scotland

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My relationship isn't perfect

"Hey guys Scotland here and today's video is a little different. I'm in Hayden's room right now because we were just hanging out and she was telling me about all the comments she had been receiving on her most recent video so I decided to explain the whole situation because lots of people were asking Hayden why she'd post a video of Colby and I arguing and why she made him look like a bad father and all this nonsense so let me just clear everything up. Colby is not a bad father whatsoever. He's an incredible dad. He's always with Alex he helps with her a lot at night, he helps with her when ever we have to go in public and he's very concerned with her. If someone gets too close to us he gets concerned that she could catch a cold. If one of the roommates wants to hold her he makes them wash their hands first and just overall he's an amazing father. If he was a bad father I'm not going to sit here and lie to you by saying he's a good one. If I say he's a good father he's a good father"

"The main question that got commented on my video was why would I post a video of you two arguing" Hayden read from her computer out of frame.

"Ya and I've gotten that question a lot. On Sam and Colby's truth or strip video we were also arguing and a lot of people ask me why im okay with our arguments being posted online. A lot of people see youtubers and social media influencers in relationship and everyone thinks their relationship is perfect because those youtubers show you only the positive side of their relationship. Colby and I argue. It's completely normal and healthy for a couple to argue. I know people do look up to me and I've even had people tell me they look up to my relationship and tell me they want one just like mine. So why would I show them a relationship thats completely unrealistic? People who look up to mine and Colby's relationship, I want them to see that we argue so they know that even a couple who appears to be completely perfect just because we have a baby have arguments because if that person ends up getting into a relationship and they have arguments I don't want that person to think "wait Scotland and Colby don't argue and they have the perfect relationship so why are we arguing? Do we not have a perfect relationship?" Which is why I allowed Hayden to post that video. Colby and I are completely fine now but in the moment we weren't and that's completely normal. So just because you have more arguments than Colby and I or just because you're relationship doesn't seem perfect like Liza and David's, it's okay you're relationship is fine" Scotland said.

"And another question i got asked was what did I beep out" Hayden read.

"You guys know Hayden and I don't ever beep shit out in our videos unless it's something that we just simply are allowed to say on video. Like I said I'm very honest with my supporters and all but I honestly just can't tell you guys what Hayden beeped out. If it was up to me I would but it involves other people who would not want me to share what I said which is why I cannot say what was beeped out. So that's it for this video I hope you guys enjoyed it and maybe got some relationship tips from it. I love you guys so much. Thank you for watching. Bye"

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