XI - Scotland

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Podcast #2 (ft. Hayden Matthews)

"What's up guys Scotland here. So a lot of you enjoyed my previous podcast video and I'll be honest I didn't know if I was going to continue with the podcasts but since so many of you liked it I decided why not continue. So I interviewed Colby already and if you haven't seen that one check it out we talked about cheating, we talked about his adventure buddy, and we talked about Alex so if you haven't seen it the video will be linked in the description for you to see. Now onto the guest I have for his podcast. Everyone please welcome my best friend Hayden Matthews" Scotland said and Hayden came into frame and sat in front of the other microphone.

"What's up girlfriend" Hayden said.

"Now before we start this podcast I do want to say that this episode will be way more raunchier and vulgar than the one with Colby. Usually Hayden and I are very vulgar on our YouTube channels but this might be a little more inappropriate so I do ask that anyone under the age of 18 click out and even though I know anyone under 18 watching didn't click out im advised to say that so I don't get in trouble for 14 year olds listening to our dirty conversation" Scotland said.

"It's gonna get dirty" Hayden said.

"Yes it is. So for those who don't know how this goes I have prepared 5 questions to ask Hayden that I want to know or that I think her fans want to know. Then I went to twitter to ask for you guys to tweet me questions and I collected 10 of those"

"Let's get it"

"Okay first off with my questions let's just get this out off the way, at what age did you lose your virginity?"

"17" Hayden asked right away.

"That was fast"

"Well I remember shit that happened like 3 years ago"

"Fair enough. If you had to who in the house would you date? Girls included" Scotland asked.

"Honestly probably Devyn. She's a hot little beyotch"

"That is true"

"Ya I'd date Devyn"

"Okay so this is when it's gonna get awkward"

"I love awkward"

"Two guys on social media you'd have a threesome with"

"Ummmmm" Hayden said before thinking.

"Probably like Kian Lawley and Shawn Mendes"

"Okay I see it. Kian, Shawn if you're watching hit her up"

"Honesty do it I need clickbait"

"Okay so what do you miss most about public school? For those who don't know Hayden and I both were homeschooled all throughout high school"

"I honestly don't miss anything. The girls were bitches, the guys were douches, the teachers were jerks, and the school work was fucked. I only attended my freshmen year and then sophomore year I was like I'm done this just isn't for me"

"Okay and a question I know nobody wants to know is when was the last time you had sex?" Scotland asked.

"Like a week ago" Hayden said.

"Really? With who?" Scotland asked.

"We'll talk after the video"

"Okay so now onto the questions that were asked by fans on twitter. Felicity wants to know who do you the most on social media?"

"I don't hate a lot of people. There's a small group of people that I actually hate on social media and I feel like everyone already knows who they are"

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