Chapter 11

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There was a reason I hadn't waited to talk about Ace with Stephanie. While the guys loved Rory too, they understood what Logan had gone through all these years. They were on his side. Stephanie...she never hesitated to call me out when it came to Rory, and, while we care about each other deeply, she will always be on Rory's side. Something had changed at that LDB gathering. When the trip started, everyone hated Rory, not so much her as the idea of her, but by the time they got home, Rory was an honorary member and everyone had fallen in love with her...even me.

How do I explain to her what was going on last night?  "What did Rory say?"

"She didn't say anything, she just kept drinking.  We tried to get her to hook up with someone," she paused and watched my reaction closely.  "She didn't.  Seriously Logan, what the hell?"

After my heart rate settled down and the picture of Rory in bed with another guy finally left me, I tried to figure out what to say. "Look she freaked out on me at the restaurant.  You know why I was there, Shira promised to get off my back if I took that girl out.  Then Colin told me she was jealous, and I had to know for sure."

She chuckled and shook her head, "you could have just asked any of us.  Are you blind?  You were always the only one.  Even Jess was never good enough after she met you, and he was supposed to be her soulmate.  She has always been blind to her feelings for you as well as yours for her.  At some point you two are gonna have to quit dancing around each other."

"That's not my choice Steph.  You know that.  She should know how I feel by now.  Hell I'd drag her straight to Vegas the second she gave me the green light if she'd just let me." 

"Well don't tell her that, all you'll see is a puff of smoke in her place.  She's a single mom, and you are the baby daddy.  I'm sure she feels like there couldn't be a worse idea.  Do you want my best, Rory-tailored advice?"

"Of course."

"Start slow.  Little things.  Tell her she looks nice, bring her a flower because it reminded you of her.  No huge extravagant gestures until she is really ready.  Keep it small, but put your heart into it.  She needs time and reminders.  She's a single mom, try to think of the smallest things you can do that would help her and remind her that she is more than just a mom."

I nodded, trying to take in everything she said.  While I was lost in thought, the guys walked in for breakfast too.  Colin walked over and gave his wife a kiss.  "Well boys, I have to get ready for brunch.  The pancakes and sausage links are all in the microwave, and the kids already ate."

"Well I see that you look relatively unharmed so Stephanie didn't chop anything off?" Finn asked as he filled his plate.  

"No, take it from me, she prefers the verbal tear down to physical," Colin answered before Logan could.

Logan chuckled, "she must get a lot of practice with you man because she gets straight to the point, short but effective." 

"Did she give any advice mate?" Finn asked.

"Ya, I'm gonna take Ricky back to my place for a bit before it's time for him to go home after I finish eating.  I've got some thinking to do, and we haven't spent nearly as much time together as I would like this weekend.  Thanks for your help with him Colin."

Colin and Finn both nodded, Finn adding, "I better get too after breakfast. Thanks for calling last night guys. I really needed an easy night in. Even if it was filled with Rogan angst!"

An hour later, Logan and Ricky were at home building with Legos. He watched his son painstakingly following the directions to build a pirate island. Richard Elias Huntzberger had sure taken his time coming into this world. One week late, the doctor had induced Rory, and, even then, it took three hours of pushing until his handsome son made an appearance.

Logan's entire life changed the moment he heard his baby boy cry. All of the changes that he had made in preparation were nothing compared to this. Rory and Logan had talked about names until they were both blue in the face. Logan hated the idea of his grandfather's name continuing on, but, in the end, when Rory explained that it would always be more about Logan and passing on his middle name, Logan conceded. She hadn't told him until after Richard was born that he would also carry the Huntzberger name. He had been floored, honored, and mistified. What had he done to deserve Rory? The woman never ceased to amaze him. Just knowing that she would forever be connected to him had been enough for him at the time.

Now...after last night...Logan realized that he needed all of her, forever. And he would stop at nothing to get there. Pondering Stephanie's words, he came up with his first gesture. It was something that he had already intended to do, but he would take it with him when he dropped off Ricky later. Looking through his cabinet, he finally found the unopened bag of coffee in the back that he had put there months ago. The office had tried out a new coffee brand a few months ago, and he had thought of Rory immediately the first time he drank it. He knew that only Rory and Lorelai could truly appreciate a coffee this good. It was almost as good as Luke's. He had instructed his assistant to start ordering it for him as well as an extra bag for a friend. He planned to give it to Rory but never came up with a good time. This was it.

He also did some looking online and managed to find a boutique in the city that sold one of a kind coffee mugs and asked if they could make one with umbrellas on it and have it delivered to Chilton by tomorrow morning. Though the rush and delivery fee cost more than the mug, it was worth it. He had debated between rockets and umbrellas, but the otter seemed to be less intense out of the two. He would take the coffee with him when he dropped off Ricky later today.

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