:: Chapter 14 ::

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* J a s m i n e ' s P. O . V  *

We waited for about an hour and a half before we were called back to the room have Harry be seen by the emergency care doctor. The doctor asked a few simple questions. They weighed him and took his blood pressure. They then took his temperature which had went down a bit, it was now 103 degrees Fahrenheit. Which isn't great, but is so much better than 105. The doctors were positive that he just had the flu, so we had to wait another ten minutes for the doctor to go an write him a prescription for some antibiotics. After we got the papers we both walked down to their pharmacy and paid for his medication.

Once we got to the car Harry took the keys from me insisting he felt a little bit better and he was very sure he would be able to drive us home. He drove very slowly with a lot of caution. His concentration on driving us home was adorable. He had his eyebrows scrunched together and both hands on the wheel.  About twenty minutes later we had arrived home 

 When we finally walked through the front door I instructed Harry to quickly take his medicine and to then go upstairs to rest. He quietly did as told, and was gone upstairs withing five minutes. It left me to just lounge around and watch silly shows on TV.


I heard the door bell ring and got up from watching a marathon of The Fosters and open the door. To no surprise Harry's mother Anne stood their with a tight smile on her face.

"Hello Jasmine. " She greeted walking in and setting her bag on the little table next to the front door. 

"Where is Harry?" She asked glancing into the living area then looking back at me.

"He is upstairs in bed. He is-"

"He is still in bed and it is this late in the afternoon?" She asked perturbed. 

"Yes, anyways as I was trying to tell you before is that he is under the weather. We went to the doctors and they sent him home with some antibiotics. Which he has already taken." I informed her.

"He is sick? Why didn't you call me and tell me? I would have been straight over earlier and helped with him." 

"Well I just made him some soup and gave him his medicine. It was also something unexpected."

"I guess, well thank you for taking care of him dear but, we will need to wake him because I have some important business to discuss with the two of you."

"Okay, let me go and get him for you." I said quietly.

I carefully made my way upstairs and into Harry's bedroom. I reached for the light switch and flicked on the lights. Harry made a soft moan and rolled his head to look at me. 

"What time is it?" I glanced at the digital clock on his nightstand. "It is 5:30 love. Your mom is here and she has something important to tell the two of us." 

"Why? Did you tell her I was bedridden?" He complained. I laughed at his response.

"Yes I did tell her you were ill. You, however, are not bedridden sir. So if you could please come down so we can listen to what she has to say."

"More like try and to abide by her weird and twisted rules for her twenty year old son than sure." He said, then stretched. After stretching her stood up and walked towards the door. He playfully nudged me to go and pecked my forehead.

Moments later we were all sat in the living-room making casual conversation waiting for Anne to tell us her important news.

"Well, since I am here and had Jasmine come and get you. I have a few things to tell you. First thing being that I am so happy that you two are finally getting along. Secondly I am just suggesting that you two should have a baby."

The room fell silent after that. Harry had shifted uncomfortably to his left farther away from me. I felt a little hurt by his response but, I know where he is coming from. His mother is 'suggesting' that we should have a baby. What she really means is that she expects us to get pregnant shortly. I understand that she is protective of Harry and everything but I think it should be our decision on whether or not we have a baby now or later. 

"Mom, I love you I really do. I just don't think this is your decision. We have a right to chose whether not we have a baby. We have also just gotten married like a month ago and we have only personally known each other for at least two months."

"Harry, you don't have to do anything I say. I am just saying that maybe it would be a good idea for the public eye if you two were to have a baby is all."

"You and I both know that if I don't do what you want you will be upset with me. I just think this time I get to decide things for my own self. I do not care whether you are personally offended at this point because you are so concerned with the media. What happened to my mother who always wanted to keep me out of the lime light to keep me humble? Now all you do is just soak up the attention."

"Harry you take that back this instant. I do not want the attention. I just want you to have a happy life. I am trying to protect you." 

"To protect me from what? Making my own decisions. Marrying who I want? I am a grown man. I am completely capable of doing things on my own mum." 

"Harry, I just want the best for you. You left when you were sixteen, and since then you have been pretty much on your own. "

"I appreciate it mum I do but, it's time for me to be on my own."

"Harry..." I said quietly

"I love you son. I am sorry, I just-"

"Please just leave I need time to think about things. I need time to process all of this please." He begged his mother.

"Okay. Call me when you are ready to talk about this."

"I will not be calling you about this. This topic of discussion is over. I do not want to talk about it again with you or anyone else."

I watched carefully and silently as Anne looked at her son with an irritated look on her face. She then stood up and walked out of the room. Seconds later we both heard the front door close abruptly. 


"Jasmine, please just leave me alone and mind your own business for once."

I looked at him for a moment. I thought this was my business. I thought we were in this together but it seems as if Harry is just regressing and pulling away from me once more. I mean I want to give him the benefit of the doubt but just for some reason I can't.

"It is my business too. It is my body we are talking about. I am the person that would have to carry said child. So it is my business Harry." I said after a minute and stood up.

"So what if it is your body! This is my career that my mum is trying to ruin for me! Unlike you. You don't have to give up anything!' He shouted as he also stood up.

I felt so betrayed that he would ever bring up my future or my life. He knows that I have given up everything in my life. He knows that I have been through a lot and yet he is the one who has to give up everything. Maybe we are just trying to force something that isn't there.

"You know what Harry, you are right. I haven't given up anything in my life. Never. You are the only person in this world who has ever had to sacrifice something!" I yelled at him. I felt so enraged. I walked into the kitchen. I heard the front door open once more and screamed out my frustration. I looked through all of the cabinets until I found the one thing I would have never thought I would turn to.I guess my mother and I are alike. I opened the bottle and felt the burning sensation of the liquid go down my throat. I sat at the table and stared at the label. 

"It's only you and I Mr.Vodka." I said and took another drink.


Hello! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!  I know it might be a little confusing, it will make sense sooner or later if it doesn't now haha. 

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