:: Chapter 2 ::

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That night I just laid in my best friends room and cried. I am used to this feeling. Of loneliness and hatred. I never understood why my mother did this to me. When I was little she and I were so close. We would go to the movies and watch one movie and then sneak into the next. We always went to the park. But now she hates me so much so that she lets men hurt me. 

I know why she does it though. When I was about nine my father and I got into a car crash and unfortunately the impact happened on my dad's side. He was killed instantly from impact. My mother blames me. That if I would of just stayed at school for soccer practice he would be here. She has told me that she wishes it was me that was killed instead. That I took her love away from her. 

I wished that it was her that had picked me up that day. That maybe my dad would of been kind and gentle. He was a caring man. He never hurt a fly. But neither did my mom. I sighed and glanced at Kardelen's alarm clock. The big red numbers read 3:47 am. I had to get going. She will wake up soon and if I am not in my room when she wakes up. I will get beat twice as bad.

I quietly got up. My body screamed in pain at me to stop. But I needed to ignore it till I was home. I heard the bed shift from behind me as I slipped on my shoes.

"Jazzy? Did you want me to drive you home?" she asked sitting up and clicking on her small bed side lamp. I hesitated, But as I bent down to tie my shoes my legs burned with pain. I nodded and sat on her bed. She got up and changed into some sweats and a sweatshirt.

"C'mon, do you need help getting to the car?" I nodded and leaned on her as we tip-toed out of her room and down the stairs.

Once we got in the car she drove at a slow speed. I looked out the window and sighed. 

"Look Jazzy, I know we have talked about this before but..I think we need to tell the authorities. It has just gotten worse for you. She is never kind to you. I can't stand to see you so beat down, and I am afraid that one day she will take it too far and kill you. Or worse you will kill yourself because you can't take the abuse." She said nearly in tears. 

I looked at her. I mulled over what she said. She was totally right. But the police are to busy. They wouldn't believe two teenage girls. They would think we were joking. 

"Kardelen, I appreciate the concern. I love you like a sister you know that. But if we go to the police they won't believe you and I. We are two young girls who in their eyes are juvenile. " She nodded and agreed. She gave me a worried glance as she parked on the curb outside my house. I gave her a reassuring smile and hugged her and open the door. She told me to be careful as I shut the door. She stayed until I open the door very quietly might I add. I shut it and locked it. As I turned around I was struck in the face with a hard smack of a hand.

"Where were you at?! Who said you could leave huh?" She spat in my face as she punched me in the face. I cried out and she told me to shut up. "Get up!" She screamed. I tried to stand up only for her to punch me in the gut. As I doubled over she then whacked me hard on my back and I fell on my now bruised face.

"Listen hear. I have made a deal with a very rich woman. So count your blessings. Get all of your shit packed and be ready to leave in 20 minutes. Your ride will be here to take you to the airport!" She shouted and started shoving me towards my room. I fell and she decided it would be a good idea to pull me by my hair instead. 

"What the hell do you mean you sold me?!?! "

"Yeah! You're getting married to her son. She is giving me over three million dollars for you. Now do as I say and pack!" 

She dragged me into my room and shut the door. I slowly stood up and cried as I grabbed my small duffle bag. I put my clothes and my phone in it. I didn't own much. I had some clothes and a few pairs of beat up shoes. I put those and some make-up in there as well and zipped it up. I walked out and sat on our couch. My mother walked in and looked at me. 

"Now listen. If you ever tell anyone about what I did to you. I will come after you. If you also screw this deal up you're dead to me. Should've been dead instead of you're father." She spat. I looked down. 

"Can I ask where I am going and who I am marrying?" She looked at me angry but didn't move from her standing position.

"The woman's name that contacted me was Anne Cox. Her son belongs to a famous pop band by the name of-"

"..One Direction?! You sold me to those guys'?! TWhy them? " 

 "Stop shouting before I take this here lighter and burn your arm."

"You wouldn't burn me minutes before I leave. It would jeopardize your 'deal' remember." I smirked.

She glared at me. We both heard a horn honk. 

"Why I am even leaving at like 5 a.m.?"

"Stop asking questions. Your flight is at seven. You are flying to London."

I felt my eyes bulged out. "England? I thought those brats lived in America?"

"No now leave! I hope to never see you again. I hope your plane crashes bitch." She shouted as she slapped my twice very hard on my arm. I rolled my eyes and picked up my bag and flipped her off as I walked out.

"Have fun you whore!" I shouted and ran out to the car.

I am happy I am leaving but kind of irritated. I can't believe se sold me for booze money. I also can't believe that I am being forced to marry a stupid band member. I am also leaving behind my best friend. Shit..Kardelen has no idea. I shoot her a quick text about the situation and promise to keep in touch.

I closed my eyes and dozed off. I felt a shake on my shoulder. I flinched and looked at the driver and his startled expression.

"I'm sorry to frighten you, but we are here. Did you need help with your luggage?"

"Um..No thanks. But how am I suppose to board the plane I wasn't given a ticket." He smiled and pointed to the envelope in his hand and gave it to me. I thanked him, and he pointed out which way I needed to go. He told me not to check my duffel bag as there was no point and I was allowed one free carry one.

I walked towards the security check scared none the less. Well here goes nothing. I breathed as I walked and waited in the long line. Here comes a new beginning. I pray to god that it's good. Please be a good one.


That's it for this chapter. I know it sucked. I just need to get the flow of it. I already wrote this story once and I am trying to make it a better version because the first time I wrote it so many things happened in one chapter that there was no good substance or suspense of how they would meet. It was just go go go. So I plan on taking this slower. 

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