:: Chapter 1 ::

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I gasped as I woke up to a sharp pain in my side. I looked over to see the devil towering over my bed. My mom. She just looked at me and kicked my side more. I cried out in pain but quickly stopped feeling her pull me up by my hair. 

"Why isn't my breakfast ready?! Get busy before I burn you again!" She screamed at me as she pulled me all the way into the small run down kitchen. " I expect you to be done with my breakfast in ten minutes so let's go!!" 

I rolled my eyes at her as she walked out. I quickly pulled out a frying pan and grabbed four eggs. I quickly scrambled them in a bowl and added some pepper and salt to the mixture. Once the pan was heated and the butter had melted, I started making the scrambled eggs. While that was getting cooked I grabbed a few pieces of bread and made sure that the toaster was on a low heat. I never wanted to burn her bread again. I shuttered thinking of it. Once everything was done I put it on a plate and grabbed a fork and some ketchup. I walked into the living room to see her already passed out.

I sighed and put the plate down by her. I seen a bottle of liquor on the table and I grabbed it. I ran into the kitchen and made sure that I dumped all of it down the drain. I also made sure to dump some soap. Just so it wouldn't smell of the alcohol. If it did she would probably kill me, literally. After that I quickly and quietly set down the bottle and ran to my room.

I grabbed my cross body bag and stuffed an outfit in it. I grabbed my small little phone and quickly left the house. She would expect me to be heading to work. The truth is I go over to my best friend Kardelen's to get ready. If I were to get ready at home she would wake up and all hell would break loose. 

As I walked up her street I started humming. I looked at the trees and the freshly fallen leaves in awe. If only I could just blow away in this breeze with them I would. I sighed and walked up to her door. I knocked on the door twice and waited for her. Once she open the door she looked at me and frowned a little. She pulled me in and up to her room.

"What did the witch do today? Throw you down the stairs?" Kardelen hissed. I rolled my eyes.

"No she was somewhat nice. She only kicked me in my ribs and pulled my hair today. Oh an she threaten to burn me again." I told her setting my bag down. I pulled out my khaki's and my blue best buy shirt. I set down my uniform on her bed. 

"Can I use the shower?" I asked her. She looked at me and laughed.

"You know you can, just go. I need to tell you about my date with Hayden before work." 


I sighed and walked around the store aimlessly bored. I was the only one working the floor right now and two other people worked the registers. Today has just been really slow. I was literally going to die of boredom. I was getting off work any minute now to go home. Not that I wanted to go home, I just wanted to relax. But that wouldn't happen.

"Jasmine! Clock out Alex is here." Matt my boss the stores manager barked at me from the office left of the customer service desk.

I quickly walked back to the staff lounge and towards my very small locker. I quickly unpinned my name tag and grabbed my bag. I clocked out and waved by to Marie as I walked past her. About ten minutes later I reached my house and carefully and quietly unlocked the front door. I tip toed around the corner only to be smacked right in my face. I groaned in pain.

"Where the hell were you? Huh? Did you steal my liquor? Or were you out being a little slut like usual!" She screamed in my face as she punched me square in the jaw. I fell due to the hard impact. I felt my eyes turn blurry with tears but I pushed them back.

"Are you going to answer me?!?" 

"N-no I was a-at work." I whispered. I looked up at her through my lashes. She rolled her eyes and started to kick me.

"Well that's no excuse as to why my drinks are gone!! So what did you do with them? Did you drink them? Or did you empty them?" 

"I didn't touch your alcohol." I grimaced as I  felt a sharp pain in my hip and ribs.

"Don't lie to me! Or it will be worse!" She screamed and pulled me up by my hair once again. I tried to grip her wrist to let go, but she only yanked harder. "Listen hear you little bitch, you have one more try before I take this lighter and burn your precious hair." I heard a little flick and knew she had it held to my hair. Now either way I was going to get hurt. 

"I dumped it down the drain." I mumbled. 

"What? Say it louder!" 

"I dumped it down the fucking drain! I did! I don't even care! I dumped your 'precious' cargo down the fucking sink! You don't deserve my money that I use to buy your booze. That you take for granted! So I will not be buying you anymore alcohol. "

"Well guess what? You will buy me my alcohol and you will go take care of my next customer in the guest bedroom who is currently waiting for you!" She screamed at me. I cried and screamed as she dragged me into that bedroom and shut the door. 

The next thing I know I am laying on the bed with a man on top of me. I started to scream and cry louder as he started to kiss my neck. I heard the door open and my mother walk in with her own stash of vodka in hand as she sat on the floor just laughing at my cries and pleadings for the man to stop.


I lay here numb not being able to move.The man got up and left. He gave me a flirty smile. I was disgusted. He put the money on the table and left. I looked to my right and saw my mother passed out on the floor. I hate her. With every ounce of blood that coursed through my veins I hated her. She held a bottle of vodka in her disgusting hand. I tried to get up as quiet as possible not wanting the raging beast to even wake up. I quickly got dressed. I ran out the door. I ran ignoring my body screaming for me to stop. But I didn't stop, I ran all the way to my best friends house no matter how much pain I was in. I got there and knocked on the door. She looked at me and pulled me in upstairs. She gave me clean clothes and told me to shower. Once I got in there I cried. I turned the water on as hot as I could  ignoring  the pain I felt through out my body. I sighed. Why me? Why does god hate me? I thought as I cried quietly in the small shower.


So I know this isn't my best effort. I am in the middle of finals. But I felt that I needed to get at least one chapter out to get a feel of what Jasmine goes through on a daily bases. Also please note that the One Direction will be in this shortly. I know this is boring but I felt as if this needed some background and idea as to what is happening and how she will meet the boys. But if you couldn't tell my the title than oh well. ;) But thanks for reading, please vote and comment. I would highly appreacitate some feedback from anyone. Whether you liked it or not. I am good at taking criticizime but only if you were to back up why you did or didn't like it. 


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