:: Chapter 26 ::

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No one's p.o.v 

The continuous routine of stop and go had put a strain on not only the boys but Jasmine as well. She constantly felt ill. She would have a shortness of breath and was always thirsty. Some days she would just stay cooped up in the bus. On other nights she felt well enough to sit through a whole show. The media had taken full notice of the pregnancy. Magazines and gossip shows talked about it nonstop. People were buzzing for this new life to be born. Jasmine felt shy and timid being in the news, shockingly she wasn't comfortable with it yet. 

Harry however, had taken a shining to the new found attention. He beamed every time an interviewer asked him about his child. He would smile wide, the sparkle in his eyes gleaming showing his excitement. The way Harry looked at the now protruding baby bump just showed how much love he had for his baby which warmed Jasmine's heart. 

Jasmine was experiencing the worse case of morning sickness since the beginning of her pregnancy. She was currently hovered over the toilet. Her stomach was clenching her body heaving forward. Her eyes burned as her body convulsed ridding any remains in her now empty stomach. Harry gently rubbed her back trying to soothe her. Once Jasmine was finished vomiting he helped Jasmine up slowly. Her body clammy and slightly shaking. He grabbed her toothbrush and squeezed some of the paste onto it. He handed it to her and quietly watched her as she brushed her teeth. 

"You alright love? Do want me to get you some water before I head out?" Harry had asked. The boys and himself had interviews for majority of the morning and he knew that Jasmine wasn't feeling well enough to tag along. She quickly finished brushing her teeth before responding

"No thank you Harry. I think I'm going to just try and get some rest." She said softly setting her toothbrush back into it's little holder. He nodded and helped her back to their shared bed in the hotel room. Once she laid down he kissed her forehead and reminded her that if she needed anything to call for Taylor her security guard. 

Taylor was hired to keep her safe during the shows and when she was by herself in public. Taylor kept her company during the day. Taylor was a middle aged man who Jasmine adored. He reminded her of her father. He had a wife with two beautiful children Nathan and Natalie. They were twins who were very sweet and well mannered. Jasmine had only met them very briefly. As for Taylor's wife Kelley she is very beautiful. 

 Harry said a quiet good bye to Jasmine before leaving. When Harry had finally reached the car he groaned stressed. He hated having to leave Jasmine when she didn't feel well. The boys noticed the awkward tension. No one talked on the way to the private location where they would endure hours upon hours of interviews. 


All of the boys were tired by now. All of the interviews were the same. The same questions continuously over and over again. The interviews lacked fun and intellectual questions. By now the boys felt as though they were on repeat. The boys were waiting for the last interview of the day patiently. 

The women was named Christine Wright. She was from the Today Show. Christine was a slim woman, and was in her mid-forties. She had short blonde hair and a dazzling white smile. She was known for having intense interviews and most people disliked her for how nosey she was. She was an interviewer who actually did her own research. 

The interview was going to be done live. So everyone was waiting for the go ahead to begin the interview. 

"Hello boys." She greeted politely. All of the boys quietly reciprocated the greeting preparing themselves for her questions. 

Christine started off with some generic questions about the new album, how the tour was going. What they had planned for the future. If they saw themselves continuing this wild journey together in a few years down the road. Then the interview shifted, focusing on recent news on individual members of the band. 

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