:: Chapter 12 ::

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(Unedited, It's short sorry)

:: J a s m i n e ' s P . o . v ::

 Being married is weird.  I am always being addressed as Mrs. Styles. It's strange to be called that. To not be called Ms.Villegas. I wonder what Harry feels. If he likes being labeled as a 'married man'. I mean, we have yet to really got out into to public much. But I know he has been looking into the articles on the internet. He has also been watching a lot of gossip shows. Like E! and ET. 

I just hope he isn't upset with me. I mean he hasn't said anything to suggest that he is. We haven't been on speaking terms either, and when we do speak it gets really awkward. Like we are both walking on egg shells around each other. I just hope that we are not on the road to regression. All the work I have put into to becoming his friend. 

I have also come to terms that I am in fact in love with Harry. I had been denying it for a long time. Even moments before the wedding I was telling myself that I didn't like him. That he was just my friend. But from the room where I got ready to the alter something inside of me just finally clicked. I would like to say that is what happen for Harry too. I have no clue as to what he feels. He isn't one that can me easily read. 

I really should talk to him about this. About what he feels for me and what I feel for him. I looked around the kitchen and sighed. Harry probably won't be up until later though. He was up late working out in the gym with the boys. I don't get why they don't ever use their own gyms or change up where they all work out. I think they just want me to cook for them. Normally when the others come around I make dinner for all of us, or I order pizza. Some of the girls come over every once in a while to just hang out or chat.

I have become close with Perrie the most though. I mean don't get me wrong, I love the other girls too. I just feel like Perrie and I are on a different level than Eleanor and Sophia. As we are both married now. Zayn and Perrie got married last year. So she has gave me some much needed advice. Despite our circumstances.  

Then again  Perrie's marriage is real and mine is fake. Unless I find out how Harry feels about me. If he does feel the same, very little chance though. Then our marriage will be real in a way. Even though it was an arranged marriage. 

I decided I should just go and talk to him. He needs to hear it before I lose my sudden confidence boost. I swiftly walked up the stairs and pretty much barged into his room. Harry jumped at the sudden noise and turned to face me.

"You scared the shit out of me." He said with his hand over his chest. He laid looking at me.

"Sorry." I giggled.

"Did you need anything?"

I quickly made up and excuse. "Um, yeah. You're mom called. She wants us to go out for lunch. For more publicity. So get ready." I said.

He gave me a quick nod. I smiled and walked out the room. I skipped downstairs and into my bedroom. I changed into something casual. Some jeans and a cream colored v-neck. I slipped on my black converses and grabbed a black sweater. I also did my hair and make up. It looked simple, not to extravagant. By the time I was done getting ready, Harry had just walked down the stairs fresh and ready. 

We both walked to the garage and got into his car. Once we were both in and driving we talked about where we wanted to go for lunch. We both agreed on Thai food. There was this cute little Thai place a few blocks away from the house. It's not super busy during the weekends. 

We walked in an seated ourselves and waited for the waitress. Once we got our menus we looked it over. I decided on the coconut chicken. Harry ordered the Thai garlic chicken. I stared at Harry for a few minutes as he was looking out the window. He then turned and looked at me.

"What?, is there something on my face?" He asked wiping it with his hand. 

I shook my head an bit my lip still staring at him. Contemplating on whether or not I should ask him. I started playing with my wedding ring and looked at it nervously.

"Jasmine, you can ask me anything you want. Why do you look so nervous?"

I shrugged still averting my eyes any where but on him. Moments before I had enough confidence to ask him anything and now that he knows I want to ask him something has me really anxious.

"Here you go, Coconut Chicken for you ma'am, and Thai Garlic Chicken for you sir." The woman said placing our plates of steaming hot food in front of us.

"Can I get you anything else?" 

"No thank you." Harry said politely.

I looked up and sighed. "Harry..." He looked at me giving me his full attention.

I took a big breath and just asked him.

"What do you feel for me Harry?" I said cutting to the chase.

He was taken back by my question. He sat up straighter than before and looked at me. 

"You're very kind person." 

I shook my head. "No, what do you feel about me?"

It was like his mind had finally clicked with what I was asking him. He opened his mouth and closed it looking at me. I felt a slight stingby his reaction, but I just stayed silent.Waiting for his response. I just hoped he felt the same for my sake. But judging by his expression he didn't.

"Jasmine, do you mean as romantically?" He asked lowly and quickly.

I nodded. It was an awkward silence for a few moments before he broke it.

"I think you are the most amazing girl I have ever met before. I really like you Jasmine. "

I smiled a little then let my courage build up once more before I said it.

"Harry..I- I am in love with you." I said closing my eyes. I heard his breath hitch slightly. I did't dare open my eyes, his silence was all of the confirmation I needed to know he didn't feel the same about me.

"I ..love you too."  I was the one then surprised. I looked at him in full shock.

"Really?" I asked.

He cracked a smile and nodded.

"Yeah really." My smile widened. I leaned over the table a bit and quickly pecked his lips before retreating. "I'm sorry, I got carried away." I blushed looking down. I felt his finger tips go under my chin before he drew me closer and kissed me.

Once we pulled away, I sighed in content. He does feel the same about me. I am so glad. It seems that everything is falling into the right place. 

"Now, do you wanna go see a movie an get some real food?" He asked after spitting out his chicken.

I nodded. He laughed.

"Thank god, that chicken taste like shit."

We both burst out laughing. He left the woman some money and a small tip on the table and we then left. He grabbed my hand as we walked to his car.


Hey guys! :) Sorry this is a shorter chapter than usual!! How are you lovely people doing? I updated early this week . I am doing great by the way. I am so happy. This story has almost 1,400 reads! That is crazy. Thank you guys so much. Also I posted last week, some of you voted. I just wanted to say that I like comments too. Comments are good feeback on whether yo like or dislike something. So please keep doing both, another thing. I will be editing these last few chapters soon. So sorry if there are any grammatical/spelling mistakes. I just have been super busy. I will also be posting a new Harry/Jasmine story real soon. It is called 'Toy Soldier' I am excited for that series to come.

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