:: Chapter 3 ::

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I sat down on my chair after going to the restroom for the third time. I was luckily put in first class. But I guess that is the pros to becoming engaged to a famous boy band member. I sighed and looked out the window and tried glancing down the best I could. I seen the clouds underneath the plane and little ripples of water poking through. 

I turned my attention back to the little tv screen in front of my chair. I grabbed the little remote and changed  the channels and settled on a silly movie. I used the blanket and pillow they gave me. I leaned my head on the window with the pillow being squished in between my cheek and the window. I grabbed the cheap little ear buds and shoved them into my ears listening to the movie. At some point I felt myself getting tired and let my eyes droop closed and dozed off. 

"Ma'am" I heard someone and they shook my shoulder. I jumped slightly and looked around and seen the flight attendant standing there. 

"We have landed, almost everyone has gotten off. Did you need help getting your luggage?" I shook my head 'no'. I stood up and stretched. I walked out into the aisle and seen the compartment was already open. I reached up and grabbed my bag and walked towards the door. On my way out I waved to the woman who woke me up. I walked down the long corridor and turned left seeing the baggage claim and pick up sign.

Once I was outside of the airport I seen a man holding a sign with my last name on it. I walked over to him and greeted him politely a little frighten. I was still getting used to the fact that not all men are malicious in this world, but it hadn't been easy. He took my bag from me insisting that I shouldn't have to carry it. Once he put it in the trunk of the car he open the door for me. I thanked him, and he slowly pulled from the curb. 

I smiled admiring the beautiful country side of this country. I can not believe that my mother not only sold me to someone, but to someone in another country. I know that my life is going to undoubtedly change from here on out. I will be a famous celebrities wife. I wouldn't no longer be Jasmine the broken girl who works at best buy for her mother's alcohol addiction. I would be Harry Styles wife. But too say I am looking forward to getting married would be a lie. I want to marry the person I love and  fall in love with. Not some stuck up snob.

I watched as the beautiful scenery slowly turned into a suburban area with beautiful and giant houses. Well looks like we are getting closer and closer to our final destination. I felt really nervous as I was still wearing Kardelen's Pajama's which she will not be getting back now. I hope they like me. 

I saw as we pulled up to a gate of a house and admired it's beautiful gates and watched as they slowly open and the driver drove on the concrete and pulled right in front of the doors. He open my door and told me to head in and that he would bring my bag in soon.

I nodded and walked up to the door. I felt the butterflies rise, and held up my fist and knocked twice. I waited a few seconds and the door open to reveal a beautiful woman dressed in some jeans and a simple black v-neck.

"Ahhh you must be Jasmine, it is nice to meet you. I am Anne, your soon to be mother-in-law." She grinned. "The boys are this way." she motioned me to come inside. I walked in and waited as she told the driver where to set my bag. Once he was out of view up the stairs she led me to a very nice living area. It held two couches and a giant television and in the corner of the room held a black gran piano.

I looked back over to the couches to see five handsome boys sitting on the couch starring at me and the Harry's mom.

" Boys this is Jasmine, now you might be confused as to why she is here. I haven't told you guys anything yet, that is why I called you all to Harry's house this afternoon." 

Arranged Marriage From Hell :: Harry Styles Fanfic ::حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن