Chapter Nineteen: Demanded Confession

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Chapter Nineteen: Demanded Confession

"I wish to see Angel, please," the boy said.

"General, do you know this kid," the Professor Yang asked.

"Yes, he's the boy in the report, Kim Myung-soo," the general said.

"Myung-soo..." Professor Yang turned back the page of his notepad, "wasn't that the name that our specimen muttered?"

"Yes it was," the general said. "Keep him and ask him some questions. Why is he here, what is his connection to the specimen –"

"Stop calling him specimen as if he's not a living being!" Myung-soo said, which surprised everyone inside the dark room. "Yes, I can hear your voices from there. I'll answer every question, but please, you have to take me where he is right now. I have to talk to him..."

"What if I don't?" the General said.

"If you don't, you might see something horrendous taking place in front of you," Myung-soo said. The longer the two talked to each other, the more awed the soldiers got.

"Then let me see it," the General said. "I love seeing horrendous things."

Myung-soo backed away from the mirror and said, "You beast!" Myung-soo suddenly cried in pain and fell onto the floor.

"Oh no! Open the room, quick!" the professor commanded the soldier who was standing near the door. After a few moments, the professor was already next to Myung-soo who was still slumped on the floor. "Son, what's wrong?"

" back... I can't take it anymore..." the professor quickly grabbed the hem of Myung-soo's shirt, only to reveal a sight that made him gasp in both astonishment and horror. The skin on Myung-soo's back was stretched, as if it was about to rip apart because of a lump of something like...

The professor gently traced the lines made by the lump of feathers on Myung-soo's back. The professor noticed the bones that were not supposed to be there, slightly protruding on the boy's back. The professor touched them gently, but Myung-soo suddenly flinched before saying, "I'm afraid... Angel... he has to know about this."

A sudden slight movement of the bones on Myung-soo's back made him take a sharp breath. "Son, hold on. I'll get a scalpel and well cut out a slit on your back enough for your wings to come out. I'll be back shortly," the professor said before running out of the room.

The professor took the very first scalpel that he could find in the laboratory before quickly returning to the room, but when he was about to get in, soldiers suddenly stopped him. "What is going on! A boy is suffering inside!"

"Sorry, professor, but the general told us not to let you in until the wings come out on its own," one of the soldiers said. "He's going to kill us if we let you in."

"This is outrageous!" the professor quickly went to the dark room where the general was, but the wails coming from the other room just couldn't escape his ears. "Won Bin! Let me in!"

"No," the general said, "this is the actual demonstration of how their kind develop their wings. I can't let you ruin a good show." Suddenly a scream was heard from the room that made the professor avert his eyes. Myung-soo was already lying on the floor, white wings patched with blood were spread out over a pool of blood.

"Enough! You've gone crazy!" the professor went out and got to the room where Myung-soo was, with a wheeled emergency bed and a few nurses behind him. "I'm sorry my son," he said as the nurses pushed the bed to the hallway towards the emergency room. They placed Myung-soo carefully so that he wouldn't have to lie over his wings. Myung-soo was facing on the right side, his eyes were open, but he wasn't responding as if he was completely unconscious. "Hurry up! He lost a huge amount of blood!"

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