Chapter Six: Gluttony and the Forgotten Past

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Chapter Six: Gluttony and the Forgotten Past

Gluttony n

excessive eating: the act or practice of eating and drinking to excess.

Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins in Christian tradition.

Encarta Dictionary


"Boys! Breakfast is ready!" Myung-soo's mother called from downstairs.

"We're coming!" Myung-soo yelled from his room. "We'll be down in ten minutes!" he said before lightly nudging the boy sleeping beside him. Ever since his mother knew about Angel, she became so warm and welcoming that she even insisted for him to sleep inside Myung-soo's room. Myung-soo had no problems with that, since he had been sleeping in his art room with Angel before.

The two quickly washed and changed clothes. Myung-soo lend Sung-gyu one of his uniforms, and because they used to buy one size larger, the uniform that was a bit loose on Myung-soo became a perfect fit to Sung-gyu.

"Oh, my two beautiful sons," Mrs. Kim exclaimed as the two went down for breakfast. "Sit down, our menu for today is apple pancakes!"

Myung-soo thought it will be a usual breakfast, but then Sung-gyu made a remark that surprised him and his mother.

"Wow, this is delicious!" Sung-gyu said, "I never knew apples will be tasty!"

"You've never had apples before?" Mrs. Kim said. Sung-gyu nodded while eating the rest on his first serving. "The only thing I know about apples is its scientific name and the countries to where it is located. Not the taste," Sung-gyu said. "Can I have some of these for lunch and some for my dinner too?"

"Oh, well..." Mrs. Kim and Myung-soo casted weird glances at each other, "Sure, why not? Apples are healthy. I'll make some for your lunch."

"Are you really going to eat all of those?" Myung-soo eyed the huge lunchbox Sung-gyu had on his lap. They were sitting at the last seat of the school bus, and Myung-soo just couldn't believe his hyung's appetite.

"Yes, of course," Sung-gyu said, "your mother cooked this so it is only right to show her my appreciation."

"That's not what I mean," Myung-soo lifted up the lunchbox and weighed it in his hands. "I mean, can you really manage to stuff all of those in your stomach?"

"Yeah, I can eat all five pancakes in this lunchbox," Sung-gyu said. Myung-soo narrowed his eyes, "Just five?"

"Well, your mom stuffed another five for you," Sung-gyu said sheepishly.

"Hyung! I don't eat pancakes for lunch!" Myung-soo said, "let alone cold pancakes!"

"Myung! I can't live without eating apples!" Sung-gyu pleaded, "This is the first time I tasted Malus pumila, and I don't think I'll be able to get over it in one day!"

"Just don't bother me when you upset your stomach, okay?" Myung-soo said but Sung-gyu wasn't listening. His eyes were pinned on something outside the bus. When Myung-soo checked on it, his hyung was staring at an apple tree on one of their neighbor's lawn.

"Yah, hyung," Myung-soo said, "are you listening to me?" but his hyung just couldn't take his eyes off the tree. "Yah! If you complain to me any time today, I will disown you as my angel!" Still not listening to him. Myung-soo sighed heavily and settled back on his seat before looking away from his hyung. "I hate you," Myung-soo muttered. Sung-gyu must have heard him since he turned around and faced the younger.

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