Chapter Fourteen: Heightened Complications

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Chapter Fourteen: Heightened Complications

Myung-soo paced back and forth in front of the telephone. He was back in the house after his meeting with his father, and although he discovered a lot of things about his past, wasn't telling his mother anything about it. Yet.

Myung-soo walked to the phone, only to back away again and to pace back and forth. "You know, if you want to call your father, then call him," a voice said. "Auntie," Myung-soo said.

"Just let me receive a call from the plumber, okay?" his Woo-kyung said. Myung-soo looked back to the telephone. I should give the police station a quick call. But as soon as Myung-soo thought of getting the phone, it rang and his Aunt Woo-kyung was beside the phone a second later.

"Yes!" Woo-kyung energetically answered the phone, but apparently it wasn't who she was expecting as her smile suddenly vanished. "Oh, Mrs. Min-yu Kim isn't around."

"Who is it?" Myung-soo said, not minding if the one on the other end heard him of not.

"Some Agent Jung-won," Woo-kyung said. As soon as Myung-soo heard the name, he came over and asked his Auntie to let him talk.

"Jung-won sshi," Myung-soo said, "you called, did something happen?"

"Myung-soo," Jung-won spoke on the other end, and as soon as Myung-soo heard her, he dropped the phone and hurriedly searched for someone who knows how to drive.

"Sung-yeol hyung, please, step on it!" Myung-soo said as Sung-yeol drove his mother's car. As soon as the call from Jung-won was ended, Myung-soo made up his mind to go directly to the police station where he could hear the whole story personally, with his own eyes and ears.

"I'm... sorry," Myung-soo heard Dong-woo say. Myung-soo never thought of it as Dong-woo's fault. If he was in the same situation, he was sure he would do the same for his friend. "Aniya, it's not your fault," Myung-soo told him, "it's mine."

"Anieyo, it's not your fault too," Sung-jong said. Sung-jong was also with them, calming down Dong-woo who was sitting at the back seat. When they learned that Myung-soo wanted to leave without his mother, the two insisted to go with him, even though it as apparent that Dong-woo felt guilty about it. "Whatever happened wasn't the fault of anybody," he added.

As soon as the car stopped in front of the police station, the first thing Myung-soo did was to find Agent Jung-won. She wasn't that hard to find. Being the only agent who survived from the "station massacre" made her popular enough for everybody who was new in the building to know her.

"Cardiac arrest," Jung-won told him. They were inside her new office. As soon as she came back, she was promoted to station commander. "According to the report, it happened right after his wings dissolved into thin air," she said.

"Dissolved?" Myung-soo said. It was probable, since Myung-soo already saw it happen after the battle, but dying after it disappeared? "I wish to see the CCTV footages since that happened!"

Jung-won bit her lip before saying, "I'm sorry, but we can't show it to you."

"Why? Why can't you?" Myung-soo said.

"Myung-soo, Angel wasn't... normal," Jung-won said.

"So?" Myung-soo said. He looked intently at her, waiting for her to say anything but she kept silent which made him snap. "So what if he's not normal?" He repeated.

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