"Not a lady...yet...it's just Arianne for now," she responded smiling at the girl.

"Arianne, follow me to your room," the girl smiled back turning around and leading the way. They were followed by a Northern guard who held Arianne's trunk with her belongings in it. Arianne bid farewell to Lyanna, who was being introduced to her handmaiden and did not bother with the other ladies, they would just ignore her anyway.

"So where am I to stay, next to my sister?" Arianne asked following the girl up the steps and to the rooms.

"Oh no, you are in the east wing. She is on the west, over there," the handmaiden said pointing to the other side of the balcony once they had reached the very top. Lyanna was being led her room. Arianne did not realize that they were mere inches from crossing paths with the lords and ladies of the South and felt herself shake under her dress.

"Are they nice?" Arianne whispered holding the girl back to make her walk slower. She could see that Lyanna was already introducing herself to Lady Catelyn Tully and Lady Lysa Tully whose rooms seemed to be right next to hers.

"Everyone is mean to a handmaiden," the girl whispered back.

"Well, they must be right old cunts to bastards," Arianne winked back. "I did not catch your name?"


"What a beautiful name. I love it," Arianne responded. As they neared the middle of the balcony, the chatter died down, and whispers began. Her stomach lurched, she knew it, her dress was too much. Her father had warned her not to be too provocative though Lilia had told her to be confident in her skin. She looked at her and did not know whether to curtsy or introduce herself to them.

Thankfully she had Olivia to guide her. "Lord Jaime Lannister," she whispered.

"My lord," Arianne shyly said, her voice surprising her. She looked to the young lord who bowed back to her. He had grabbed her hand gently and kissed it, all the while staring at her eyes directly.


"Just Arianne. Arianne Sand," Arianne responded moving her hand away from his lips. The young boy was handsome, blonde and had green eyes with golden specks running through them.

"Just Arianne Sand, it's a pleasure to meet you," he smirked.

"And you my lord," Arianne smiled back.

"Do you enjoy Harrenhal so far?" He questioned.

Arianne did not know the southern lords liked to ask so many unnecessary questions.

"I cannot tell yet, I just arrived," Arianne said letting out a small laugh.

"I wouldn't want to be the one stopping you from resting, I hope we meet again, not Lady, just Arianne Sand," Jaime smiled, his lips forming into a cocky smile this time though. The prize was in the bag. He moved closer to her and Oliva made a motion to step back to give them privacy. "Do save me your first dance. I wouldn't want to miss a chance dancing with the most beautiful lady present. I want it to be me who captured her eyes first."

Arianne blushed. Lilia did say they were good with their words. "I will try to remember." She whispered back before picking up her dress, turning around and following Oliva to her room. She could see herself falling for that one; she had to watch herself.

Only to be stopped another time by an older lady. "Lady Olen-"

"I can introduce myself thank you," The woman snapped at Oliva. "Lady Olenna Tyrell. Lady of House Tyrell and so on and so on all you need to know is that the Reach is mine. It is lovely to meet you...finally." Olenna smiled.

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