Life's Back

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I opened my eyes to find myself in the hospital wing, Lorain and Tom by my side.

"Lorain, you're alive !!!" I hugged her tightly.
"Tom, what happened to you?" His arm was covered with white badges and with some blood stains.
"While conflicting DunkenDul." Tom said before I could even continue.

Then suddenly PR. Zonaldor entered the room, "Lorain, Tom, and Berry our heroes, you're gonna be offered 150 points added to your points, for defeanding the school against the evil forces by D.D !"

"YES!" Lorain said happily, as we went out they held me tightly, then we went out when Tom assured me
"You've got a surprise out there, come on!"

I followed him hand by hand with Lorain, and for my big sudden I saw:
"CARLOS!" I yelled running to him leaving her and hugging him.

"But how did my dad let you come back?"
"He was pity for you, so he decided to have mercy, and by the help of Rose he took a desicion that he'll send me back to make you better."
"I Love You!"
"Me too!"

We went in again to enter the feast and I saw Ricardo in my face so I just ignored him.

"Shulter! Shulter! A word please." He assured me.

I kept walking, but then he stood in front of me blocking my way to my seat.

"What Ricardo? Haven't you got enough times making fun at me and my friends?" I asked him as I saw pink spots on his cheeks.

"I came to tell you that I'm.. Um... Sorry about all that!"
"You're what?"
"I'm sorry."
"No matter Ricardo, but why did you do that in the first place?"
"It wasn't me!" He stopped with an awkward silence. "It was my father, he told me that you're just a small wicked boy, but after you recalled your powers I'm really sorry..."

"No matter now, you're forgives, friends?"
We hugged each other leaving others in total surprise.

Berry Shulter (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now