Chapter 14

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When the two wake up in the morning, Autumn tries to pull away from Loki's arms. Only he starts whining and holds onto her tighter. She huffs and lays back on his chest. He smiles and kisses her softly. Autumn smirks up at him before her fingers reach his sides and start tickling him. Laughter erupts from Loki's lips.

"Be careful, love, I'm ticklish there." He warns. Autumn just giggles before continuing on. Loki can't help but laugh. "Fine. Make me laugh. I won't stop you." Autumn smiles as his laughter fills the room. "But I will get you back." She stops for a moment and looks up. Loki smirks and grabs her wrists. Using his strength, he flips them both over so he's now on top of her.

"What will you do to me, my lord?" Autumn asks. Loki smirks, leaning down to kiss her neck. She giggles as his hands roam around her body. "We're not having morning sex." She whispers. Loki leans up, now in a sitting position.

"Do you just not want to sleep with me anymore?" Autumn giggles, sitting up to kiss him.

"Of course I do." She assures him. "I just don't want to now." She slides out of bed. Loki half-smiles while he watches her approach her dresser. "You know, you're my first boyfriend." She points out. "Like, ever."

Loki tilts his head to the side. "Your first boyfriend?" He questions. She nods, pulling clothes out of her dresser. Loki frowns. "Why's that? Why wouldn't anyone want to date a beauty such as yourself?" Autumn smiles slightly, hugging her clothes close to her chest as she turns back to face her boyfriend.

"Because I was the shy genius that sat in the back of the class and who graduated from college two years before she was even supposed to go. I knew the answer to every question and then the answers to the ones that weren't asked. Nowadays boys are too high on cocaine to notice me or too jockey to care. But I had John and my mom. It was just the three of us. And that's all I needed." Loki stands up and approaches her. She bites her lip awkwardly. He kisses her softly.

"Their loss." She laughs softly. "I'd much rather have you all to myself." Her smile slips away. Loki frowns, searching her eyes for a reason as to why she stopped smiling. "What's wrong, darling?"

"It's just. . ." She shakes her head. He raises an eyebrow. "What happened between you and John's mother?" She asks even though everything in her body is screaming not to. This isn't something they need to delve and it'll only contribute to the awkwardness between John, Loki, and Autumn.

His smile slowly fades. "Her name was Elizabeth." He starts. Autumn shuts her eyes, not wanting to see him speak. "And I loved her just as much as I love you." She opens her eyes to see he's sitting back on the bed. Autumn goes over and sits next to him.

"But. . .?" She prompts. Loki sighs heavily and looks to her.

"But she died during childbirth so I had no choice but taking John with me to Asgard. For the first couple of months I couldn't bring myself to look after my son because I was still grieving over the loss of my beloved. Thor decided that he would take care of John for me which started a bound between the two of them and started destroying the one between us, if there was one to begin with." Autumn frowns and cups his face. "As he grew up, I pulled away from him because I didn't want to hurt him. Even back then everyone I loved left me. I didn't want him to leave me as well." Tears start rolling down his cheek. Autumn wipes them away with her thumb. "It was easier to never grow attached." She kisses him softly.

"I'm so sorry." He buries his head in her chest. Autumn just holds him close and rubs his back. "But you need to talk to him." Loki pulls away and shakes his head.

"No, I cannot. Not after all this time." Autumn raises an eyebrow.

"If you never tell him the truth, the wedge between you two will continue to grow." Loki stares at her, his jaw clenching. She stares back at him just as intensely (if not more). "Loki Laufeyson, I demand you to talk to your son. You never know when you're going to need him."

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