Chapter 8

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The Avengers stare at Autumn, waiting for her to elaborate more. But she waits for them to say something as well. Eventually it's Bruce who speaks.

"She's got a point." He mumbles. Autumn's eyes widen as her lips pull into a smile. If someone came to her ten years ago and said that not only her and Doctor Banner would be in the same room but he would agree with her on something, she would've called them insane. Bruce takes his glasses off and rubs his face. "It's not fair to Loki if Clint gets his freedom." Clint's eyebrows shoot up.

"Hold up! How is this about me?" He asks. Autumn looks to him.

"Because no one blames you for what you did." She tells him. He scoffs.

"That's because it wasn't me." He corrects confidently. She raises an eyebrow and the two stare at each other for a moment. It eventually hits him and he sighs. "Right. Neither is he." He mumbled. Autumn smiles slightly. Clint huffs. "So am I getting stuck in a basement?"

"No." Natasha states. "We won't let that happen."

"It shouldn't happen." Autumn corrects. "You're not responsible. And neither is he." She continues, crossing her arms over her chest.

"So what are you proposing?" Steve asks.

"We free Loki." She states. Silence. Then everyone bursts into questions, yelling over one another. Autumn closes her eyes and listens to bits and pieces from everyone. "Shut up!" She snaps after hearing enough. "If Clint doesn't deserve to be stuck in there then why should Loki?" Everyone falls silent once more.

"Why is it always me?" Clint mutters. "Selvig was under his control too."

"And is Selvig locked in a basement?" She asks.
Clint avoids her eyes as he mumbles out a no. "So why should Loki?" Tony catches Autumn's eye.

"Mel, are you sure this is what you want?" He asks. She takes a second before nodding.

"She wouldn't want him down there." She says. Tony nods in understanding.

"Where would he stay?" Natasha asks. Autumn looks to her, hopeful. She shrugs. "If we agree to free him."

"Well, I suggested Asgard but, um-" She looks to Thor. He raises an eyebrow. "He didn't like that idea." She finishes, playing with her glasses. "So I was thinking that, maybe, just until he gets back on his feet, he stays here?" Silence. Then everyone starts yelling again. Autumn holds her hands up, silencing everyone. "It would only be temporary." She adds. Tony stands, makes his way over to his daughter, and wraps his arms around her, bringing her closer to him.

"Are you sure about this?" He whispers. She purses her lips. "Being in such proximity to the man who-" She nods, cutting him off.

"It'll be a struggle but. . ." She drifts off before shrugging. He nods and goes to sit back down. Autumn plays with the skirt of her dress as she waits for everyone else to agree or disagree. Thor watches everyone as well.

"I see no reason not to talk sense into the director about my brother." He states. Autumn looks to him, a smile painting her face. "I will stand beside you Lady Autumn." She lets out a soft breath. Natasha shrugs.

"You have a valid point." She admires. "I'm in." Autumn's smile grows. Clint glares at Natasha until she looks to him and raises an eyebrow.

"Me too!" He rushes out. Natasha smirks slightly. Autumn looks between Steve, Bruce, and her father. Steve gives her a nod. She bites her lip. That's four; no matter how Bruce or Tony vote, the majority lies with freeing him. Bruce nods as well. All that leaves is her father.

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