Chapter 9

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When Autumn awakes the next day she doesn't remember falling asleep or even making it up to her room in the first place. She rolls over in bed, grabbing her glasses off the nightstand and sliding them on, before checking her phone. A soft sigh escapes her lips as she tosses it aside on her bed. She doesn't know what she was expecting; an apology from John maybe? But why would there be an apology from him when she's the one that blew it out of proportion? All he did was ask a simple question. If she'd just answered it and went about her business this whole thing could've been avoided.

She sighs and rests her head against the headboard, closing her eyes. How could she have been so stupid? John's always been there for her, he'd be here for her through this too. Whatever this is. A stupid infatuation with not only her mother's somewhat murderer but also her best friend's father?

With a groan, she digs her fingers into her hair. This isn't some stupid infatuation anymore. She's now dating- no, courting- that same person. Courting. She can almost scoff at that. Of course someone like Loki would want to 'court' her. Maybe she should just call this whole thing off with him, it's caused her enough pain already. But is she really going to 'it's not you, it's me' a freaking Norse god?

"This is too fucking confusing." Autumn mumbles as she swings her legs over the edge of the bed and makes her way out of her room. "JARVIS, can you tell Loki I will be down to see him after I eat breakfast?" There's a soft hum instead of a reply but Autumn knows the AI heard her. She makes her way over to the kitchenette.

"I made you breakfast." A raspy voice states from the dining room table. Autumn jumps a few steps back, her heart racing.

"Dear God!" She exclaims, placing a hand over her heart to steady it. John stands from the table, wringing his hands.

"Demigod actually." He corrects. Autumn rolls her eyes and continues her way into the kitchenette to find a plateful of chocolate chip pancakes awaiting her. She lightly touches the plate, a smile tugging at her lips. "I know they're your favorite." John continues. Autumn turns and raises an eyebrow at him. "I'm sorry for yesterday." She shakes her head.

"John, you shouldn't be the one apologizing." She tells him. "I should be apologizing. All you did was ask a question." John looks to the floor.

"A question I obviously shouldn't have asked." Autumn sighs, leaning against the counter. "Or I shouldn't have pressed so hard on the issue." They both jump onto the countertop and sit, swinging their legs around. A few moments pass in silence. Then: "That's always been your problem, Dee." John starts. Autumn looks up to him but his gaze remains on the checkered floor below. "You wear your heart on your sleeve but can't open up when someone asks about your feelings." Autumn bites her lip.

"Jay." She coos. "I'm sorry." He shakes his head. She reaches out and touches his hand softly. He looks to it and then her. At her side, she slides a finger through one of the chocolate chips before wiping it on his nose. John gasps, jumping off the counter.

"What the hell, Autumn?!" He barks. She giggles. His eyes narrow in on her as he reaches across to the sink, turning it on and grabbing the extender. Autumn's eyes widen; she knows what he's going to do. Before she can stop him, he squeezes the trigger and starts spraying her. A mix of yells and giggles erupt from her mouth as she tries (and fails) to block herself from the water. "Take that!" He shouts.

"Stop!" She shouts back. But he doesn't stop. In fact, he steps closer to her for better aim. Autumn continues to giggle and yell in protest (but mostly giggle) as John continues to spray her (and laugh along with his best friend). "Alright! Alright! I'm soaked!" She admits, throwing her arms up. John smirks and puts the extender away along with turning the water off. While his back his turned to her, she attacks him with a hug, getting his back soaked as well. He groans and pushes her off. She smiles at him. He just rolls his eyes.

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